Monday, January 11, 2021


TRIBTALK ORG : BERNIE WAS NOTHING LIKE THE MOVIE  by Shanna Nugent - a grand-daughter of the murder victim Marjorie Nugent.

OK - I was not alone in believing the film.  After all, the film influenced the court system to give Bernie Tiedi another trial.  This article, however, reflects the other side, the opposite opinion, and it's well written and compelling.


 "I had thoughts of hitting Marjorie in the head with a bat or anything for a couple of months prior to November 19, 1996, but I did not want her to suffer. ... Marjorie had a rifle in the freezer closet. ... I had moved the rifle into the bathroom near the garage.  She had walked out into the garage towards my car.  I took the rifle and shot Marjorie in the back.  She fell face first.  Marjorie was still breathing heavily, so I shot her again.  I may have shot her one more time.  I did not want her to suffer.  I then dragged Marjorie by the feet from the garage to the freezer.  I had taken the food from the freezer. I placed her into the freezer and covered her with the food.  I took a water hose and washed the blood from the garage.  I swept up the bullets alone with some leaves and threw them away."

Our family implores the public to remember Marjorie Nugent's murder this way, by the facts.

When my grandmother met Tiedi, our family was glad she had a friend.  Her husband of 53 years had just passed away, and my family was living in Amarillo.

When our family didn't agree with her about Tiede's role in her financial affairs, it strained our relationship.  Tiedi proceeded to ostracize us, as well as her friends and advisers who tried to provide her with support.  We believe she grew suspicious and concerned about the state of her financial accounts toward the end of her life.  Did this play into her murder? We may never know, but I believe this resulted in her murder...

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