Sunday, December 6, 2020


I watched this documentary film with fascination because I wanted to know more about the men who are featured.  These are white American men trying to find a Ukrainian woman to import to the United States for the purpose of marriage.  All of them seemed to be decent enough men, not the type who would bring a woman to our country under false pretenses and turn her life into a nightmare.  I wanted to know if all or any of them would be successful.

This film focuses on a particular company that provides a web site, translation services, and trips to that country for meet ups, which are usually parties where women come to meet men, dance, talk, and perhaps further their relationships.
Some of the men have spent thousands on this process and have been to the country before. It's not an advertisement for this particular company and I wondered just how many companies are in the business of brides.

I can't help myself.  All the while I'm wondering why these men want a woman from afar, because I think there are plenty of women right here in the United States of America who would be willing to marry them.  Most of these men have income, houses, and can provide and evidence of that is also that some of them are spending thousands of dollars in pursuit of Ukrainian women.

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

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