Saturday, February 6, 2021



Here is my 2021 Guide to the Perfect Gift For the Sweetheart Mistress

If it should be gift-wrapped, try to do it  yourself.

If she is traditional, flowers, chocolates, and loving cards will do. Try to provide beautiful and expensive ones, and give her favorites, if you know what they are. The language of roses is that yellow is for friendship, pink is for affection, and red is for romantic love - the deeper the love the deeper the color.  But you know, roses have thorns and aren't the symbol of love for no reason, so consider a bouquet of flowers with no thorns, flowers that have a scent.  Avoid those scentless long stemmed roses. Cut flowers from your own garden or pick them from the fields - that is, if you are sure you aren't picking in an ecology sensitive area.  

Music, in sound of music in these days of downloads, is not so adjustable but some old style stereo-systems that play vinyl are amazing, so avoid the tinny player and give her a sound system. Excellent earphones are also be a happy gift.  Caution: Please don't gift anyone music that has trashy or abusive to women lyrics. If you must error, error on the Old School side. The Temptations, for instance.

An upgrade of her cell phone, especially if hers is more than two years old.

Jewelry.  There are only two kinds of rings gifted.  Friendship rings which can be or include semiprecious stones and be outsized, or proposal rings.  Therefore, I think it best, if you are not intending to marry this other person just yet, to avoid the gifting of rings.  However, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, are good romantic gifts.  Birthstone jewelry is for birthdays.  However rubys and amethysts, all white, clear, and pink and gold toned jewelry is perfect for the season and the Valentine's Day.  So if you have the money, a pink diamond set in pink gold can be terrific. Consider her first initial.

Create original poetry, even if it is silly and rhymes.  Sign it "Your Secret Admirer."

Covid-19 restrictions have made things difficult on those who are not partnered and living in, but, depending on your situation, a special delivery that is not U.S. Mail, UPS, Amazon, or any other usual service, can be a wonderful surprise.  If there is a good place to safely leave it, ask a friend to take over a crystal vase of flowers and leave them on her porch or take over a sumptuous meal ordered from a good restaurant.

Avoid gift cards.  Giving one communicates that you have no idea what a person might like because you've spent no time getting to know them.

Here's hoping that next year is not so restrictive!


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