Sunday, October 25, 2020



Not too long ago a friend from highschool and I were talking.  She said she had been looking at some old photos and I was so thin.  I was.  I had a high metabolism and I also had a busy life.  I was naturally thin.  And to this day dieting will not work for me.  Calorie counting will not work. I absolutely have to keep moving to stay thin-ish.

Long ago I gave up on being my high school weight.  I'd look ridiculous.

I know what my old friend was trying to get at.  She wondered if I'd been thin due to bulimia or anorexia and I had not been.  She however, had a mom who was regulating her diet.  I recall she fainted a couple times.  Her sister, whose diet was also regulated by their mother, actually passed out in a snowbank and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Learning that our Mistress of the Month, Susan Mary "Shoe" Taylor, was bulimic by the time she met the man she would become a long term mistress to in 1978, Jonathan Guinness, an aristocrat and beer brewing heir, I wondered if all her adventures and misadventures had been too hard on her, destroying her mental health.

Why did she need to be too thin? Was she basically a trend follower?  A fashionista?  The reason I wonder is that bulimia is often associated with women who want to be "fashionably thin" which is "model thin" which is "hanger thin" - I mean way too thin.  After a while a woman looses her ability to see herself in the mirror as she really looks.

As women age especially they need some weight on, some fat.  I believe this strongly.  As your estrogen wanes it's your fat that holds it.  You need that to protect your bones. That's my belief.

Bulimia can wreck your physical health beginning with your teeth which rot away from all that vomit.  So save your bright and beautiful smile and say OK to looking womanly. Check out the link!  There's lots of authoritative information including a Bulimia hotline!


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