Friday, October 16, 2020


A PERFECT 14 is a captivating film.

It focuses on plus size models and the one's profiled and followed a bit are on strong career paths.

First, what does it take to be a "plus size" model? The very word implies fat, and indeed some plus size models are by just about anyone's perception fat, with extra folds of skin. But these successful models simply look like most of us. We are not hanger thin. See a normal woman next to a hanger thin one and you can see the difference.  Then you'll say, isn't that other women dangerous skinny?

What's really going on in fashion?

Are designers, male or female, simply unable to create clothing that looks great on humans who are not hanger thin?

Must we really contort ourselves in order to wear clothing? Become ill? Loose our perceptions of reality when we look in a mirror?

Elly Mayday was a plus size model from Canada who eventually died of ovarian cancer at the age of 30 because she was so young when she started having stomach pain (stage 3) that she was misdiagnosed for years. Holding to her dream with ambition she managed to model though she took cancer treatments and eventually had some extreme surgery. So her story is especially touching.

Another model, Kerosene Deluxe, who is profiled here is an alternative model. She is not only a big lady, she is a tattooed and pierced one. She also comes with a unique life story as she was born to a woman who had been a legal prostitute in Europe who married a man who had been a steady customer Europe.

Then there's the Perfect Sized 4 model who is traveling the world, Laura Wells, perhaps the most successful profiled. She is healthy. She is not overly fat - no belly - nor is she overly muscled.

If you're questioning why you are always dieting to loose or maintain weight so that you'll "look good" you might find some inspiration from these models.  You might also decide to go ahead and be a model yourself.

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot


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