Saturday, September 19, 2020


A while back I got an interesting comment about Ruth Tyrangiel, the mysterious musical muse of  singer-songwriter of fame, Bob Dylan. She was the person I elected to be Mistress of the Month in August 2013. (You can find those posts in the archive - see the sidebar.)

The problem with posting this comment is that while it was interesting, as the person stated that Ruth was renting a house in his or her neighborhood and that there was a son living there who looked a lot like Bob and Ruth is rumored to be the mother of one of Bob Dylan's children, it didn't give me any reference. There was no way to contact this person.  It didn't say what neighborhood that was - was in Los Angeles?  New York? How does this person know that the house is rented?  I understand that some information that comes in to me is someone's personal knowledge and they could be right on and that information might not be published anywhere else so it would be a scoop but I just can't without learning more. Still, I will keep this in mind and see if I can find confirmation another way.


UPDATE  December 2020

Got another comment confirming this which I have not published. Hey, it's OK with me if Ruth is renting a house, and all that.  I'm not going to track her down or invade her privacy or try to invalidate any agreement she might have with Bob Dylan. He was just in the news for selling a 600 song music catalogue so it sounds like he's cashing out.  A friend mentioned that he has so much money, what's he going to do with more?  I said, "Well, there are his children." So I did a little more internet research and found mentions that he may have many more children than those he had with his first wife, or the one - acknowledged when she became an adult - that he had with his second.  I should say SECOND KNOWN.  There are rumors that Bob Dylan has had secret marriage(s) and may be the father of up to ten children.

But remember, MOST OF THE TIME, I reference other authors, journalists, and writers to promote someone to MISTRESS OF THE MONTH or to have a mention on this blog.  

So - if you leave a comment I will not publish it if you start out with DO NOT PUBLISH. And I will write down a link you send and look at it later.

Thanks Again!



There is always a presumption that a wife is hurt by learning that her husband (we'll presume she calls him that because they are legally wed) is "cheating" on her with one or many "other women." Why is it called "cheating?"  Well, because it is assumed that one person has to be all and everything to another person and anything they may have with someone else short changes them.  But does it?  

When it comes to women who know they are marrying someone who is likely to have many women in his life, I think some of them do not mind or at least think it will not matter. perhaps because they themselves want the liberty, or they get into it understanding that they are with a man who will not or cannot be their one and only. Are all men like this?  No, I don't think so.  It may also be about a chapter of their life and not their entire life. I think it depends on keeping the conversation lively between you and anyone you might partner with. You really do have to speak up about your own feelings and boundaries. As well, there are married couples who decide to stay married but open their relationships. For instance, I think what Will and Jada Pinkett Smith say about their relationship is important. They are candid about it while so many others in the same situation pretend they are in a traditional marriage.

There are or have been both biological and financial reasons why a woman wants a partner to be loyal and faithful to her, especially if there are children involved. But with the huge number of women who have "baby daddies" or no daddies at all for the children they are bringing into this world, maybe that's old fashioned thinking. 

Thank you for the insightful and heartfelt commentary!

1 comment:

  1. Missy! I found your wonderful blog looking for information about a mistress of Howard Hughes and became an instant fan, though not in a weird way! I feel I've found a kindred spirt in the world! Thank you for your creative mind and spirit...Wish we we're friends in real life:( But again, not in a weird way! :) Anyway, have a great day and please Keep writing!



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