Tuesday, September 29, 2020


What's YOUR lovestyle?

One person at a time?  or not?

Sunday, September 27, 2020



EXCERPT:  One of Aldo Gucci's granddaughters, Alexandra Zarini, this week spotlighted another horror in the family history with a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Zarini, 35, alleged that from the time she was 6. her former stepfather, Joseph Ruffalo, sexually assaulted her at home in Beverly Hills - abuse that she typically knew was coming when she heard the ice clinking in his glass of scotch as he made his way toward her bedroom, according to court papers.


Missy here.  This blog has been overwhelmed with hits on my posts about Aldo Gucci, Patricia Gucci, and Bruna Polombo, the long time mistress of Aldo.  This hits are coming in especially from Italy, curiously a country that I usually don't get a lot of hits from.  I want to acknowledge that there is great interest in this latest story about the Gucci family.  You can read more at the link above, from the Los Angeles Times, and there are a great many more articles from other media sources on this story. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020



Excerpt: O.J. & Nicole: An American Tragedy," a two hour investigation Discovery special will coincide with the 25th anniversary of Simpson's acquittal in the infamous murder case.


The special will air October 5th. 

November 2015, here at Mistress Manifesto, Nicole Brown Simpson was our Mistress of the Month. You can find that month in my archives or you can click on the tag with her name to find those posts.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Watched this fast paced film about what happened after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It kept to historical accuracy, as far as I could tell.  It was free on YouTube and Netflix. The name of the hospital where J.F.K. was taken in Dallas was called Parkland.  So many lives were shattered that day.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020


A while back I got an interesting comment about Ruth Tyrangiel, the mysterious musical muse of  singer-songwriter of fame, Bob Dylan. She was the person I elected to be Mistress of the Month in August 2013. (You can find those posts in the archive - see the sidebar.)

The problem with posting this comment is that while it was interesting, as the person stated that Ruth was renting a house in his or her neighborhood and that there was a son living there who looked a lot like Bob and Ruth is rumored to be the mother of one of Bob Dylan's children, it didn't give me any reference. There was no way to contact this person.  It didn't say what neighborhood that was - was in Los Angeles?  New York? How does this person know that the house is rented?  I understand that some information that comes in to me is someone's personal knowledge and they could be right on and that information might not be published anywhere else so it would be a scoop but I just can't without learning more. Still, I will keep this in mind and see if I can find confirmation another way.


UPDATE  December 2020

Got another comment confirming this which I have not published. Hey, it's OK with me if Ruth is renting a house, and all that.  I'm not going to track her down or invade her privacy or try to invalidate any agreement she might have with Bob Dylan. He was just in the news for selling a 600 song music catalogue so it sounds like he's cashing out.  A friend mentioned that he has so much money, what's he going to do with more?  I said, "Well, there are his children." So I did a little more internet research and found mentions that he may have many more children than those he had with his first wife, or the one - acknowledged when she became an adult - that he had with his second.  I should say SECOND KNOWN.  There are rumors that Bob Dylan has had secret marriage(s) and may be the father of up to ten children.

But remember, MOST OF THE TIME, I reference other authors, journalists, and writers to promote someone to MISTRESS OF THE MONTH or to have a mention on this blog.  

So - if you leave a comment I will not publish it if you start out with DO NOT PUBLISH. And I will write down a link you send and look at it later.

Thanks Again!



There is always a presumption that a wife is hurt by learning that her husband (we'll presume she calls him that because they are legally wed) is "cheating" on her with one or many "other women." Why is it called "cheating?"  Well, because it is assumed that one person has to be all and everything to another person and anything they may have with someone else short changes them.  But does it?  

When it comes to women who know they are marrying someone who is likely to have many women in his life, I think some of them do not mind or at least think it will not matter. perhaps because they themselves want the liberty, or they get into it understanding that they are with a man who will not or cannot be their one and only. Are all men like this?  No, I don't think so.  It may also be about a chapter of their life and not their entire life. I think it depends on keeping the conversation lively between you and anyone you might partner with. You really do have to speak up about your own feelings and boundaries. As well, there are married couples who decide to stay married but open their relationships. For instance, I think what Will and Jada Pinkett Smith say about their relationship is important. They are candid about it while so many others in the same situation pretend they are in a traditional marriage.

There are or have been both biological and financial reasons why a woman wants a partner to be loyal and faithful to her, especially if there are children involved. But with the huge number of women who have "baby daddies" or no daddies at all for the children they are bringing into this world, maybe that's old fashioned thinking. 

Thank you for the insightful and heartfelt commentary!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



Excerpt:  Meyer was a fascinating woman in her own right - the daughter of a Progressive Party philanthropist and a journalist, she herself perused a career in the press at a time when women were still largely marginalized in the field.  She briefly served as editor for Atlantic Monthly and brushed shoulders with Communists, pacifists, and intellectuals over the year.  She was also a talented artist.  Those bohemian leanings are said to have perhaps softened Jfk:s view of the Cold War during their years-long affair.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Here's an interesting article from Harpers Baazaar:  HARPERS BAZAAR - LOVE LETTERS FROM J.F.K. to MARY PINCHOT MEYERS
Read about how it's understood who wrote the letter and to whom - how this was authenticated for auction.

EXCERPT: "Why don't you leave suburbia for once - come and see me - either here - or at the Cape next week or in Boston the 19th.  I know it is unwise, irrational, and that you may hate it...

Sunday, September 6, 2020


There are many interviews with Peter Janney, the author of Mary's Mosaic, on YouTube, and I listened to long and short ones.  Janney was good friends with one of Mary Pinchot Meyer's sons, the one who died young.  His own father, he feels, was capable of being part of the plot to assassinate her.  He uses that term assassinate. Janney thinks President John F. Kennedy was our greatest American President and says most polls agree, it's either J.F.K. or Abraham Lincoln.  His hope was that this book and the discussion of it would reopen the murder investigation, since Mary's death is an unsolved murder.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Image from Wikipedia

(October 14, 1920 to October 12, 1964)

Like other women in the life of promiscuous womanizer John Fitzgerald Kennedy, before and during his marriage and his Presidency of the United States in the early 1960's, Mary Pinchot - Meyer knew she was involved in an affair with a married man. The comparison of her to other known Mistresses of J.F.K. stops there.

Unlike Judith Campbell Exner or Mimi Alford, two other of his Mistresses who have been featured over the last couple months here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot, Mary came from J.F.K's. same set of people - preppies.  She associated with people who went to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and the best women's colleges called "The Seven Sisters." She was "age appropriate" being only about three years younger than he.  They first met at a 1936 prep school dance, when she was fifteen. Like him she had grown up in a wealthy eastern seaboard family with social clout.  She'd been a debutant and expected to marry well. She had married well, mothered three sons, and divorced within that set, to a man named Cord Meyer, a World War II veteran and hero, like J.F.K. who'd come home injured. Often the men served in World War II and joined the CIA like Cord.  She was considered to be well off, not in need of his money.

But wait.  As conservative as all these people seemed to be, there is also the possibility that they considered themselves sophisticates with a rather "European" mentality when it came to having sexual adventures. The men had World War II macho but were they really wife swappers?  It's possible that Mary and the President were kind of like secret hippies, trying marijuana and a hallucigen - some say L.S.D. other psychedelic mushrooms, together.

So much will never be known.

But hey, have you ever seen the television drama series called Mad Men?  Because that was the era, pre-hippies, when even gentleman tried L.S.D.  Some people smoked pot or cigarettes at work, especially creatives.  L.S.D. was used in psychiatric offices as a mind expander. According to author Peter Janney, whose book is the prime reference for this month's posts on Mary Pinchot Meyer, our Mistress of the Month, she knew L.S.D. guru Timothy Leary - this was before it was illegal.  He was a professor at Harvard ; J.F.K's school. She went up there to talk to him about it.  Was turning public officials on to hallucinogenic trips the latest craze among her set?

He came back into her life socially in the late 1950's. Some say a genuine friendship turned into a flirtation and then into an affair.

Maybe what was really radical, so to speak, was that Mary, with her sons off to college and living apart from her ex, was getting involved in the movement for world peace.  She may have influenced J.F.K. to get the United States out of possible war in Viet Nam,  to sign nuclear treaties, to end the Cold War with Russia. If only he had lived.

Only a handful of people knew she was the President's Mistress and many think he really was going to divorce Jackie and marry Mary, his soul mate. This included her sister Tony and her husband, Ben. Or so she thought.

As part of the Georgetown elite, many of their friends and neighbors, people who came to her funeral after she was murdered shortly before her 44th birthday, were likely spies.  Her murderer might have been there among the mourners.  Was someone just angry because she had an affair - say an ex husband or someone getting revenge for Jackie's sake?  according to one interview of author Janney that I listened to, on his death bed Cord Meyer, her ex husband said the same people who killed J.F.K. killed Mary.

Peter Janney, who wrote a book called Mary's Mosaic, calls it, assassinated, just like J.F.K. had been eleven months before! One bullet at close range to the brain, the next to the heart. A professional job, maybe even with a plan to find a dupe who could be accused of murder.

What did she know? Was she set up? Who could be so heartless? Her murder remains unsolved just like Nicole Brown Simpson's is. 

What could have caused this attractive and idealistic woman, who had become an artist, a painter whose work had been exhibited at the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, to be murdered on a walking path near a canal, a path she walked daily for exercise after a morning of painting in her garage studio over at her sister's house.

Though a love letter from the President asking her to show up where he was going was found years later, and went up for auction, during their affair Mary showed up at White House dinners with a man named William Walton, who had run J.F.K. Presidential campaign for New York, as her companion. She signed in to the log.  She wasn't brought in through a back way.

Her sister Tony was married to Ben Bradlee, an important newsman. They too had dined at the White House with Jack and Jackie Kennedy. They knew there was supposed to be a secret diary about the affair and so hours after Mary's body was identified, they went to her house and then her art studio looking for it.  Each time they encountered a man named James Jesus Angleton, who had managed to enter before them or was trying to pick the locks.  Serious business.  Mary had said that she got the feeling at times that someone had been in her house when she was gone. This man was the chief of the C.I.A. Counterintelligence from 1954-1975.  

The diary may still exist today. A small artists diary with a few notes that had been found was turned over to Egleton.  Some say, no that was not the diary full of details about the affair.  It may have been burned by Toni and Ben.

Repeatedly I've read that this particular affair was the serious one that could have lead to marriage, if and when Jack divorced Jackie.

This month we'll learn more about this interesting woman who didn't deserve the fate she got.

If interested, in November 2015 I devoted the month to Nicole Brown Simpson, the most famous unsolved murder victim, wife of O.J. Simpson and Mistress to him before their marriage.  You may also want to check other months dedicated to those surrounding the Kennedys, such as Kick Kennedy, J.F.K's sister, Little Edie Bouvier, Jackie Kennedy's cousin, or just run a search for Presidential Mistresses.

My archives are in Pages or you can use the search feature embedded in the blog.

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All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 1, 2020