Friday, August 14, 2020


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In Interviews after this book was published, author Dalleck, a respected researcher and historian, says that J.F.K had a big sense of entitlement and was out of control in his personal life but had a great ability to compartmentalize.

A bit on the Kennedy Presidency, for those of you who were not there. Kennedy called his administration "The New Frontier" and gave people hope that the United States would make great progress as a nation. He represented the American Dream because though his family was rich and privileged, they were also Irish and Catholic and not of the White Anglo Saxon elite that pretty much ran the United States. His religion, because he was not of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant elite, was a potential obstacle to his election.

 The Kennedy family, in the opinion of Dalleck, is the real American dynasty, more so than say, the Bushes. That's because they have great privilege they have also suffered the most tragedies - deaths - and so for all the high highs of their fame and fortune they have experienced low lows. 

President Kennedy grew in his role as President. He wanted the best advice but knew in the end decisions were his. He had trusted his advisor when invading Cuba (then a feared Communist country as they all were) and newly taken over by Fidel Castro, who threw the Mafia who owned casinos and clubs out. Called "The Bay of Pigs" disaster, it was a huge mistake, which he knew then and which history tells us to be true.

It was in this book that Mimi Alford was outed, though Dallek did not name her.  Other journalists did the work to find out who she was.  Like others who have had their privacy invaded and their story told from other people's perspective or opinions, Mimi was provoked to speak her own truths.

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