Monday, July 20, 2020


I watched this interview, which aired in December 1996, and included questioning by Barbara Walters, an interview with columnist Liz Smith, and other women.  These women were the pioneers - the very few women - who were in important positions in the media at the time.  You can find the interview on YouTube.  I'm not posting it here because it was broken into segments and the quality of the video is low.

First Judith Campbell Exner was called "a dying woman" though she looked great.  She did die a couple years later.

She said she had dated Frank Sinatra briefly.  Then Sinatra introduced her to JFK.  She was 26 years old.  This was before John F. Kennedy was elected and she thought she was his only "other woman."  Since she had left a marriage in which her first husband, who she married at 18 years old, actor William Campbell, had never been sexually faithful to her, she felt torn about now being "the other woman" but John F. Kennedy's smiling eyes and charisma, were irresistible. This was not a light decision for her.

John called her every day while campaigning on the road.  She showed documents including her schedule book in which she recorded that on March 7, 1960, she spent her first night with him as a lover, at the Plaza Hotel in New York.  Shortly, on April 6/7 of 1960, J.F.K. asked her to arrange a meeting with Sam Giancana, a Chicago Mafia boss, to help with his campaign.  To me this proves that the man himself was involved in getting the Mafia to help him in his election, something in very many films and books is put upon his father, the former Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph Kennedy. Until this reveal, I though the father's machinations were not known to his son.  J.F.K also showed her a sack of money and asked her to take it to Sam.

This is what Judith has to say about her culpability.

"Everyone expects of me to have greater judgement that Jack Kennedy and this is what always amazes me that I should have been suspicious.  I trusted this man.  I loved this man."

C 2020 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

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