Friday, June 26, 2020



A question a woman should ask herself, and ask yourself this every few months while you still can, is DO I WANT CHILDREN?  If so HOW MANY?

I was reading an interview that Kris Jenner "Momager" to the daughters who have all become rich over reality TV, endorsement, speaking engagements, commercials, and products they are associated with and own.  She says she always knew she wanted many children.

Kris is a modern woman and she had to know that she would need a well-to-do husband to afford having many children.  Luckily she married lawyer and businessman Robert Kardashian and he could afford having many children.  Then she married Bruce Jenner, the superb athlete, who also gave her children, as well as giving another woman children and he also could afford to do so.  None of these people seemed to be interested in limiting their family to one or two children, which is the fashionable choice (I think because children are barely affordable by most people.) There is a lot of pressure on women to have children as what is "normal" womanhood but there is also a lot of pressure in society to limit a family for ecological means.

A Mistress may have a relationship with a man who has enough money to afford children, or more children, but he may not want a second family because having children makes it more difficult to keep the relationship a secret and implies life-long connection.

Some of the mistresses I've covered here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, have had extramarital children with the men who Kept them, such as BRUNA PALOMBA (Mistress of the Month August 2017) who had one daughter and  Gordon Getty's Mistress CYNTHIA BECK Mistress of the Month February 2019 who had daughters. I admire the responsibility shown to these children by their fathers.  (A longer list of Mistresses who had children is below.)

A woman should be using contraception until she is ready, willing, and able to be a mother.  If she is not independently rich herself, she especially should be considering whether her partner is also ready, willing, and able to be a father.  It means discussion.

Yet, though contraception (and abortion) has allowed Western women to have more choice, contraception has been known to fail or a particular contraception is medically ill advised and sometimes a woman just finds herself unexpectedly pregnant. When a woman wants to have a child and her man insists on an abortion or puts her in a position where she knows she will be stranded and alone trying to raise a child she personally cannot afford there is a lot of pressure on her to choose his way.  (And I tire of hearing women blamed as if the men where not there.)

Yet, and I think this also has to do with money, if a woman is a Mistress and the man loves her and can afford to, he sometimes feels that he ought to allow her to go forward and have their child.  He feels he should not rob her of the experience of having and raising a child and if he is much older he often sees that with a child she may not be alone in her own old age (though having a child does not guarantee they will care for a parent.)

If you are a young woman and you want a child or children, seriously communicate this with any man you get involved with.  If a man wants to Keep you he especially needs to hear this.  You need to keep your independence and find a way to support yourself so that you can leave him if you feel you are loosing years of your life in wait for him to change his mind about having a child with you or maybe leaving his other relationships, etc.  You should be out there meeting people and dating, not staying in a relationship that will not bring you happiness since having children is one of the things that would make you happy.

Here is a list of past Mistress of the Month candidates who have had children.

November 2009
Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart Birley Goldsmith (The last two surnames are her married names.)  Jimmy Goldsmith stole her from her husband, a busy restaurant and club owner, and she let him.  Annabel had a child with Jimmy while married to Birley, and had more children with Goldsmith later.  Her daughter by this liaison, a friend of Princess Diana, has publicly thanked her for having her.

September 2010
Nicole Coste, Mistress of Prince Albert II of Monaco and Mother of his first son. Since they never married this son cannot take the throne of Monaco but back in the day before he was married to the present Princess who has had twins, reports were that Albert took an interest in his son with Nicole.  Now this old relationship seems to be kept out of the media.

May 2011
Karin Stanford, College Professor who had a child with Reverend Jesse Jackson. Both Karin and Jesse have barely been in the media for years.

November 2011
Madeleine Duncan Brown, Mistress and Secrets Keeper of Lyndon Baines Johnson (President of the United States) and Mother of their son.
My understanding is that the son did not live long enough to be there for her in her old age.

July 2013
Marion Davies, Mistress of William Randolph Heart and His California Castle.  A woman named Patricia who was raised by Marion's sister said she was told upon her wedding by Marion that Hearst was her real father.  She looked like him. She died a while back and there was a claim against the estate by her grandchildren.  This story also seems to have disappeared from the media.

May 2015 -
Marita Lorenz, Mistress of Fidel Castro and General Marcos Peres Jimenes turned CIA collaborator. I once got a message from someone saying she was Marita's daughter and that a film was being made about her mother's life.

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