Friday, May 8, 2020


TOWN and COUNTRY MAG : INSIDE THE LONELY WORLD OF ATHINA ONASSIS (2016) by Joan Paulson Gage and Nicholas Gage

This article has several good photos of the Roussel family that included Athina Onassis and her half siblings. and her step mother, Gaby (Marianne Gaby Landhage).

According to the article, Athina's new husband, Alvaro de Miranda already had a girlfriend and a child when they met. That girlfriend eventually died, leaving this child and a child of hers with a different father, to be raised by Athina and "Doda," as he's nicknamed. There's a description of their beautiful wedding conducted in Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic rites.  I found it interesting that Athina could have acted as a step-mother to her husband's two children, and I found no confirmation of this or what happened with these children after the divorce.

Why is it assumed that Athina Onassis is "lonely" when she is independent and busy, a determined equestrian with a full life.

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