Sunday, May 31, 2020


Welcome to my long term Mistress Project here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot!

If you happen to be home and reading this blog for the first time, I welcome you to read the whole thing!  I guarantee you will learn a lot, perhaps achieve an understanding, and maybe you'll even question yourself and your choices.

Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot was founded with empathy for those who find themselves involved with someone they can't have as their one and only - at least not yet - though many of the people I've elected as Mistress (or Mantress) of the Month over the last decade have not wanted to be monogamous or married or involved with just one person.

A point I want to make is that there are probably thousands more Mistresses who we will never know about because their lives were far more ordinary than those who have been publicly acknowledged or speculated about and written about.

Although I don't normally plan too far in advance, because of the Coronavirus-19 pandemic and all the concerns around that, I've been working hard to research and pre-post so that you'll have interesting posts to read a bit into the future.  Should I myself be negatively effected and unable to post as I would normally, I might skip a month or post every other month.

I've been thinking how orders to quarantine and limit encounters with others is effecting our personal lives.  I'm sure this makes it much more difficult for people who are having extramarital relationships to see each other. It's been predicted that domestic violence will increase the longer people are cooped up and well, on each other's nerves because they can't go out.  Economic impact is one of my bigger worries.

Feel free to post Comments.

My best,


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