Monday, May 18, 2020


Notes: A while back, in October 2010, I elected Hollywood icon Angelyn as our feature.  Subtitled: Is this Billboard Queen a Mistress or a Savvy Business Woman? I said I had met Angelyn. Since Angelyn seems to have been driving a pink Corvette around Los Angeles and making pit stops at vintage clothing stores and selling t-shirts out of the back of the vehicle for years, it's not that unusual to have a sighting of her or to cross paths with her. I actually spoke with her ever so briefly. 

ANGELYN has a series based on a Hollywood Reporter expose about her.  It's fictive - sort of - Angelyn herself is an Executive Producer.  Confusing the truth is something she likes to do though she has consistently slipped into her alter ego to the point where she lives and breaths her creation.  

Here's a link to the Hollywood Reporter article by Gary Baum:  HOLLYWOOD REPORTER 2017: ANGELYNE's REAL IDENTITY 

EXCERPT about the writer's source of information:

The man, who claimed to work in an undefined role for the federal government, said he was a hobbyist genealogist, occasionally taking on paid assignments in the field as an amusing side gig.  A few years earlier, he'd decided it'd be fun to set himself the challenge of cracking Angelyne's case.  "And I did," he explained.

Later at the 101 Coffee Shop in Hollywood, the genealogist - who looks like Michael Kelly's contained political operative Doug Stamper from House of Cards - unfurled an elaborate story of Angelyne's past, based on material he contended he'd enterprisingly pulled and synthesized from a global network of public databases.  He laid down a folded printout of a row of yearbook photos.

Two years later, more or less, here's the Hollywood Reporter on the Series:
HOLLYWOOD REPORTER : ANGELYNE DRAMA BASED ON HOLLYWOOD REPORTER STORY by Leslie Goldberg  who says Angelyne is actually Renee Goldberg (no relation.)

EXCERPT:  Angelyne, 67, is the L.A.- raised daughter of Holocaust survivors, a Jew who found refuge in what Baum described as "Shiksa drag."  She was born in Poland in 1950 to parents who were among the 500 to survive out of a town of 13,000.  Her parents were sent to concentration camps before escaping to America and settling in L.A. Fairfax District.  After Angelyn's mother died in 1965, her father remarried another Holocaust survivor and the family moved to Panorama City, where she attended high school.  While her paper trail ends there, Angelyne soon reinvented herself as a blonde bombshell, famous simply for being famous...

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