Thursday, March 26, 2020


HOPE AND SAFETY ORG : LEARN ABOUT THE CYCLE OF ABUSE and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE  There are many sites on the internet that have explanations but this one seems to have gone a bit further. Please explore this site.

EXCERPT:  By 1983, women working in the Anti-violence Movement realized the Tension Building /Explosion model was flawed.  Abusers do not harm their intimate partners because of tension and stress.  As Humans, each of us feels stress and tension in our lives and yet, we do not make the choice to abuse someone else.  If it were a matter of tension the abusive person would be unable to control his behavior and would batter whoever was causing the stress (ie. the boss who yells at him or police officers who pull him over, etc.) Also abusers would not be able to control where their punches landed.  Many abusers "Target Punch" their partners - specifically targeting areas where the bruises and marks are less likely to be seen - the beck, back upper torso, and lets.

*** It is not up to the woman to make the relationship work.  Blaming the victim - that she isn't quiet enough or doesn't keep the house clean enough - for instance - can be an excuse for an abuser to let loose on her.

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