Friday, March 13, 2020


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Hello Readers,

I'm aware that during this crisis, a Pandemic of the Coronavirus-19, more people are staying home, keeping busy, and may be reading this blog, MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT. on the Internet.  Welcome!

I'm well and currently not personally worried, though many of the plans I made have been cancelled. This gives me more time to research and work on this blog, as well as go down my list of things to do that I back burnered.  I've enjoyed walking in the rain these last couple days, my pink umbrella over my head in contrast to the grey skies and between rains the sky has been glorious with white puffy clouds in a vivid blue.

I've read around the subject, listened to videos of news and announcements, hard news and conspiracy theories, and have been the recipient of a print out circulated by a senior citizen that supposedly comes from one of the doctors in Wuhan, China, with warnings about how to conduct ourselves to stay virus-free.  The truth is there's lots of contradictory advice.

As I told my senior citizen friend who gave me the handout, it makes sense that we would cancel or not attend events with over 200 people but come on - it only takes one person to one person contact to get the virus.  Statistics, as my professor in college liked to say, can indicate but not predict.  The economic impact of the crisis is apparent, though if this passes in a month, I think we will catch up economically.  What the authorities are trying to do is ease the number of cases that our emergency workers have to deal over time rather than have a more sudden rise.  This gives more time to understand the disease, do testing, and come up with a vaccine.

If you by some chance have not heard about the warnings, the basic things you can do to try and not spread or prevent contracting this scary disease include washing your hands frequently and be careful not to sneeze, cough, or share bodily fluids with others. (Skip sex.)

I'm doing the following to reduce my chances.

I'm carrying  sanitizing wet wipes with me and using them to touch door handles, elevator buttons, and public toilet flushers.

I'm wearing a big loose scarf around my neck which I can raise to my face if I feel I need to cover my mouth and nose or protect myself from people who sneeze and cough.

I'm carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer with me and a bar of soap, should I encounter situations where I need to wash my hands and none is provided.

I'm waving hello rather than shaking hands.

I'm making big pots of nutritious soup, eating citrus, and taking vitamin supplements, particularly vitamin C.

I'm getting sleep.

If hand sanitizer is not available on your store shelves, the main ingredient can be alcohol and you can wipe your hands with that, or mix it with aloe vera gel (sometimes sold as an after-tan product) to make your own.  There are several YouTube videos showing how to mix that up.

I have not horded supplies.

Some time off can be a good thing.

Take Care!


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