Friday, December 6, 2019


VOGUE : MARRIAGE : WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE FRENCH?  by Christina Perez published April 8, 2017

As Piazza points out in her book* only 47% of French say infidelity is unacceptable in a marriage, compared to 84% of Americans. Still that doesn't necessarily mean French women are as tolerant to affairs as we've been lead to think.  "That is a silly cliche you Americans believe," one of the writer's French friends tells her before clarifying, "I don't mind if my president has sex with other women, that's not my problem... of course, I hope my man doesn't do that to me." Instead the French believe in working to keep each other interested so that neither person wants to have an affair in the first place. "It's work. He still need to conquer me every day and I need to make him want me every day. I need to put in the effort - and here's what's important: I want to do the work,"  Piazza's friend says....

Image result for How to Be Married (What I learned from Real Women on Five Continents About Surviving My First Really Hard Year of Marriage.) Jo Piazza, author of How to Be Married (What I learned from Real Women on Five Continents About Surviving My First Really Hard Year of Marriage.) 


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