Friday, December 20, 2019



Some of you have busy social lives and others choose to have just one or two close personal friends. Some of you actually prefer to be alone but the holidays alone can lead to a feeling of loneliness and emptiness that can hit you suddenly. 

Do not despair.  Get up and out and involved.

I've learned that many organizations love last minute volunteers to help them with Holiday programs for adults. Serving food to the homeless at a mission dinner is one of the best ways to give of yourself. You'll be surrounded by other people who give of themselves too and those are the kind of people you want to meet.

Another place to offer yourself in service is Assisted Living and Nursing Homes. Get a few people together and go caroling to these places. Just call ahead and talk to an administrator ahead of your visit.  You might just want to go sit in the lobby and talk to people.

Think of your friends who you haven't been in touch with for a while, those who are long distance, those who have lost loved ones in the past year, especially the elderly.  Do some phone calling and catching up. Or go to visit and bring a little something to eat.

If you desire alone time but notice you're feeling blue, get outside.  Take a long walk in nature.  Bring a sketch book along and do some sketching. Go to a choir recital or sit in the back of a church and listen to the service.  Go to see a film that you want to see or to a restaurant you want to try that none of your friends would be into. It's perfectly acceptable to dine alone, even during Holidays.

Many organizations that gift children will take gifts to the last minute though you  might have to take them to a central location rather than a service center. They may need volunteers to sort or gift wrap presents when Santa's elves have too much already to do.

Thinking of you!


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