Monday, December 2, 2019


December is the month that closes the year, a month that goes fast, especially if you're a social being.  I tend to get more creative in choosing my subjects for this month, knowing that my mistress-interested readers will still check in, but others will be too busy to read MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT and choose to catch up some time in January.

This December I want to devote some time to a stereotype, of France - and the French, that their sensibility is simply sexier than ours, and that the acceptance of Mistresses is part of their more sensible attitudes about sexuality.  Is this true?  Still true?  Are they a bit crazy or do we have a lot to learn from them?

Over the last several years I've featured a number of French Mistresses or Mistressing that happened to take place in France, or French subjects.  The whole time I've been desperate to feature some Spanish Mistresses, some Hispanic Mistresses, and to discuss what happens in Spain, but comparatively little is available to read or research on that subject published in English, in the United States.

As an American I no doubt was effected by "puritanism" as well as the conservatism of my upbringing in which sex was not only expected to happen within marriage, but was not discussed; I and my peers were raised to be ignorant, had to get our own information; some depended upon and were wrongly informed by romance novels. Two of my high school friends shared one prescription of the Pill, each taking it every other day!

Sex was also the way into marriage for many of my peers, especially when after some time with one partner there occurred a pregnancy. Now - no longer does sex mean that a couple is serious and exclusive and on their way to a life time of togetherness. Now there are many more ways to define one's sexuality such as "fluid."

Reading over the acceptance of sex outside marriage in France, as well as men having Mistresses in France, I learned that it's considered to be OK so long as it does not hurt the FAMILY (this meaning the extended family, not just the nuclear family) and it's thought that having affairs - or Mistresses - PRESERVES MARRIAGE. This is something that I've come to believe is true. Is it American (or Protestant?) to choose a separation or divorce over the discovery that at least one partner has been unfaithful?  

Therefore, while I get cozy with music to set the mood and settle in with my cell phone researching articles, magazines, and books, I ask you to contemplate this question with me. I'll feature a series of articles for you to link to with some excerpts to get that going.

As always you can comment, with ideas, suggestions, personal experiences, and the like.  Pkease Read my Comments Policy in Pages!



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