Wednesday, November 27, 2019


My friend "Jack" has been with his partner "Johnny" for twenty years.  They are a gay couple.  Johnny was married and has a child that he's remained a good father to since he was born, while Johnny NEVER had a relationship with a woman.  Jack takes care of the house and creates the home, is the parent who drove Johnny's son to school and activities, and except that they are a gay couple, their relationship is more like a traditional marriage with a stay at home wife and mother and out there working father than not.  Johnny makes a very good income.  It's a mystery to me how they deal with money.  Will Jack be protected financially if Johnny, whose the older person, dies? Is Jack on an allowance?  Does he take care of his basic bills and allow Johnny to pay for all the wonderful world travel they embark upon?

Sometimes I worry that Jack is not financially protected, but I've never been able to bring up the subject. 

But one thing Jack is, is grateful. 

He may confide that Johnny works extremely long hours but that he likes it that way; He has never put the man down.  I secretly think that Jack would not be able to put in all those hours if it were not for Jack.

I urged Jack to consider starting a part time business - something just for himself, but he responded that he has " a full life" with Johnny. 

What makes this a topic for Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot is that I worry about Mistresses who are not financially protected.

Within this blog are Mistresses who were pragmatic Gold-Diggers, others who were left heartbroken, alone, and broke. Although the stereotype of a Courtesan or Kept Person is that they are only interested in riches, I tend to think today's more Independently Minded people are more interested in Relationship and Loving, especially as so many are educated and working as well.

Which are YOU?


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