Tuesday, August 13, 2019


My Dearest Readers,

Like many of you I have been riveted by the breaking news of the Jeffery Epstein scandal.  To reiterate, a multimillionaire financier named Jeffery Epstein - possibly a billionaire - who owned a private island and many properties - and who previously admitted to being a sex offender but had bargained to freedom - died in a jail cell where he awaited trial, having been considered a flight risk. There was a possible suicide attempt or he may have been the victim of attempted murder a couple weeks ago at that facility. There is a question about why no one noticed he was hanging himself this time. The autopsy report has not been revealed as I write this*, but it's likely he committed suicide in that cell rather than go through the trial - which promised to be excruciating and on the world stage - or rat out his friends. 

Brave women, now adults, have come forth to testify against him and this case would not have been opened if it were not for unsealed documents  - thousands of pages - which would implicate many other rich and important men - and of course they deny it. The FBI descended upon the island he owned where some of the underage women - 17, 16, 15, 14... went years ago and where they say they were ordered to have sex with generally much older wealthy men as "sex slaves." Some of these women - and this is how sex trafficking works - were likely recruited by other women for this purpose. The recruiters generally do not tell the whole truth of what will happen to the girls when they find them. They'll lure a high school girl who needs some money into "being nice" to their benefactor. Epstein's private jet was called by those who knew him "The Lolita Express."

Conspiracy theories are abundant, not only in the media and on independent "journalist" YouTube channels, but in the conversations everywhere I go, with President Donald Trump managing to sling Hillary and Bill Clinton - again - with insinuations of involvement. (Jeeze! He already won the election - forget it already!)  One person said it all "stinks to high heaven" and I sure do agree.

At another time I may be able to upload a couple YouTube videos that I feel ought to be on this post. Be aware some videos about this scandal have warnings of Graphic Content - or rated X. I will name a couple that impressed me here: Search for Kimberly Mehlmnan Orczco  "Hidden in Plain Sight" - CBS news.  She's a sex trafficking expert discussing the case.  And the Miami Herald  - "Years Late, Epstein victims discuss the lasting Impact."  (A woman journalist broke the case against the man long ago.)  I also urge you to read the posts here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT that are about sex trafficking (and prostitution), using the search feature, or by going through my archives.  

One article I read stated that Epstein told people that the taboo against sex with under the legal age (18) was just a cultural thing.  It IS a cultural thing, but that doesn't make it legal. No doubt about it - at least in my mind - Epstein was a sex addict - and he was empowered by getting away with a lot. Some, if not all, of the people who spent time with him must have known he liked too young women. Was no one at least suspicious?  

Attorneys for the alleged victims want to proceed with suits against other, alive people and Epstein's estate. The French Government is looking in to it. I suspect other governments will follow. Sadly, the involvement of Prince Andrew - once married to Sarah Ferguson - and the media rumors that they may soon remarry - even seems suspicious to me. But being at a party Epstein threw or walking in the park talking to him does not mean Andrew actually was a pedophile. It's possible that Epstein's "girls" were not identified by their real names or ages to all the men they say they had sex with.

It's true that some cultures still practice arranged marriage and child marriage - but not ours, not today. I frankly think no one should marry until they have experienced supporting themselves and living independently from their parents/family for at least a year (and being Kept does not count), but being married at 14 or 16 was legal, generally with parental permission, in the past history of the United States. 

Also, we also all know that some rock stars became notorious for having underage groupies. Are they going to be implicated or called out for this years later? 

SEX TRAFFICKING, being forced into PROSTITUTION, is not the same as MARRIAGE, which is usually a commitment between two people. It's not the same as a woman going after a rock star for a trophy experience. I realize there are a lot of circumstances that beg us to realize how complicated it can get that blur the issue but consider.

Being loved - having your heart in it -  being a sexual adventurer - having a choice - is not the same as taking a job as a masseuse and being raped by someone who you have no relationship with and see as a client. It's not the same to be 14 or 16 and have a boyfriend of the boy next door who goes off to college a couple years before you and who probably comes to your house with your parent's approval to go on dates. (Elvis Presley had Priscilla's parent's permission to go live with him as a school girl. The joke goes he raised her the way he wanted her to be.) Technically if you're under 18 and have a college age boyfriend and have sex with him, your parents can have him charged with statutory rape but who does that?  Obviously teenagers are having sex with other teenagers or we wouldn't be offering contraception and abortion or have so many children born to them. Close ages as is typical with teenagers and young adults in relationships and actual relationships are not the same as having a pimp or being given over to much older - often married - men to have the kind of sex they want to have when they want it.

SEX SLAVES or SEX TRAFFICKED people - be they underage or over the legal age of 18, whatever their gender or sexuality - have NO CHOICE. Don't argue with me that everyone has a choice all the time or that our lives and their outcome are all about what we want to manifest. (Tell that to people who experienced concentration camps under the Nazis!) Their inexperience in life, their fear of what will happen to them if they tell and reach out for help or escape, especially if the person(s) who have them entrapped are powerful, wealthy, and connected, and often their emotional confusion, and the abuse, keep them where they are, alive not well. I believe that there are many people who are not actually ready for relationships or sex though much older than 18, but the law says 18 is the age of adulthood and permission. It's also the age to vote, register for the draft and to be drafted if needed, to drink alcohol, and the age of consent.  

There probably isn't a woman alive who doesn't know someone who has been molested while underage. Molested can mean a variety of activities but lets start with groping as sexual assault. It feels horrible when you get your breasts grabbed or your crouch grabbed as a adult, which has happened to me four times, twice in recent years while just walking down the street, once when I was walking out the door of a dance club, and once when I feel asleep on public transport. (And I was dressed a bit sexy only for the dance club.) I've experienced sexual harassment on interviews. Friends of mine have stories of being date raped, even violently, and yet almost no one filed police complaints and the trial for one friend was a travesty, with her rapist testifying that she needed to be beat up to have orgasms; years of therapy and she's still not able to date. It gets to the point where some people are no longer interested in relationships, in dating, in sex, in men. 



* As of this morning, August 15th, I understand that the coroner is not ready to say Epstein's death was the result of suicide.  Certain neck bones of his are broken, which also happens due to strangling.

** As of September 17, 2019 this post has been slightly edited for more clarity.

*** As of September 25, 2019 though officially considered suicide, there are still those who differ and think Epstein was murdered.  More women have come forth and are giving individual and collective interviews. It has been said that psychiatrists, gynecologists, and others in the medical profession, treated the sex slaves and the numbers of people implicated grows. Shame on them.


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