Sunday, August 25, 2019


DAILY MAIL :LOUISE BROOKS : FILM :Julian Fellowes :The Chaperone

EXCERPT : For she was Louise Brooks - enigmatic sex siren of the silent screen era and arguably the most outrageous actress in Hollywood History.  Her relationship with Ms. MIlls (her 36 year old chaperone when she was 15 years old and going to New York City to learn dance) is the subject of The Chaperon, a new film written by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes...  ELIZABETH McGOVERN - aka Lady Cora in Downton - plays the chaperone while her headstrong and flirtatious charge is portrayed by young American actress  HALEY LU RICHARDSON. ....

'At these parties we were not required, like common wh9ores, to go to bed with any man who asked us, but if we did the profits were great.  Money, jewels, mink coats, a film job - name it.' ... One of these powerful men with film industry connections was Daily Express newspaper tycoon Lord Beaverbrook...

NOTE FROM MISSY : I believe this might be the same Lord Beaverbrook who was part of Mistress Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman's story.

FEBRUARY 2014 featured LOUISE BROOKS as Mistress of the Month here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT.  Check out those posts!

You can search for her name, or also search for tags such as Hollywood, and may also be interested in CLARA BOW.

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