Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Roussadana Mdivani "Roussy" became artist Jose Maria Sert's wife. leaving Misia in a complicated situation. 

The story goes that Roussy, from a family of Georgian Princesses and Princes, looking to make advantageous marriages, styled herself a sculptor and had her own tiny studio in Paris.  In 1925 she rang the bell of Sert's studio, a studio that Misia considered to be his turf and never visited without notice, to ask for advice. Some thought this was a predatory gambit. Hearing of the visit, Misia decided to turn up and see what was going on there. Her instincts were off and she didn't think of the girl as any threat. But she was. 

Roussy's real mother was dead, as Misia's had been, and she felt maternal towards her.  She said the girl was enchanting. 

Roussy died of a brief illness on December 26, 1938, age 32, having not given Sert the heir he claimed he desired.  She died of an infection that would likely easily be cured with antibiotics today. Misia was 66 years old and alone in the world, many of her friends had died and other people had taken over her role as muse of the creatives. Eventually she and Jose Maria would be good friends but never live together again.

Roussy's brothers were also considered fortune hunters who appealed to Hollywood actresses and young heiresses at a time when having a title by marrying a poor noble still held appeal to some and people could still "buy" titles.  As a result Roussy had sisters-in-law such as actress Pola Negri, a vamp, and Mae Murray.  

In 1931 a younger brother, Alexis, only 22, married an Astor family heiress named Louise Van Alen and came to America.  She was only 19 and he lived like a Prince he always was on her money.  Only 18 years later he divorced her to marry Woolworth stores heiress Barbara Hutton.  But another brother, Serge, went ahead and married Louise four years later, keeping her money in the family.

C 2019 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot.

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