Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Ali Kamel Famy bey, her husband, shot dead,  Marguerite Alibert, some say, had planned out the whole thing.  They were known to be a couple that argued publicly and horribly and they were divorcing.  She admitted shooting him, but used the self defense argument, which was conceivable.  Now as the press covered the shooting and a scandal was brewing, the Prince of Wales' handlers were worried.  Insiders knew that the Prince and Marguerite had carried on a relationship for a couple years and now the Royal family blocked the press from mentioning the Prince.  But would Marguerite in court?  Would Ali's family?  What if she showed or sold her letters from the Prince to the press?  Then the world would know what the Prince thought of his father and political issues.  He had not been careful and she could not be counted on to be discreet.

Her defense got sordid.  She said that her husband expected unnatural sexual activity from her and that her doctor said she had anal damage.  Of course, she could have had damage from her years as a sex worker, courtesan, or other men, but because she knew Ali went to brothels were men could be hired.  It was hinted that the operation she needed money for had something to do with this.

Importantly, the Royal Household lawyers wanted to get the letters back and secure Marguerite's silence.  By August 1923 a settlement had been reached.  But she turned over most of the letters - not all.  Leaving some in Paris - just in case she needed them.

Marie Marguerite Famy plead not guilty of murder.

The trial, like the O.J. Simpson trial in which the former star football athlete plead not guilty to the murder of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson, was a show trial.  While the press alleged that she had S and M and lesbian relationships, she was acquitted.

Marguerite Alibert died January 2nd, 1971, having a long life.

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The Woman Before Wallis - Prince Edward, The Parisian Courtesan, and the Perfect Murder is the primary reference for this month's posts.

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