Thursday, December 20, 2018


Reading about Diane Von Furstenberg and reading her own memoirs, listening to her speak on a YouTube video, I feel as if I know this woman.  I also feel, "This is the kind of woman you want to have as a friend." She's a celebrity, not from the world of entertainment or sports, but fashion and enterprise, but even if she had not been so successful in a worldly way, she'd be a good friend to have.

Although Diane emphasizes her love of independence and a certain appreciation for the fact that upon marriage she was a Princess and that having the Von Furstenberg name helped her, and I have no doubt it did get her though doors, I feel as if she skims over the role of her husband the Prince. He wanted her to have the child.  He married her.  They were an "in" couple in New York early in their marriage.  They had a second child.  Then the marriage busted up.  (I've read elsewhere that the marriage was after two previous abortions.  I do wonder if Diane was just unlucky or not practicing contraception.) Diane doesn't spend much time on the bust up.  She says nothing about the financial support of her ex, not even if he contributed to the raising of their children or if they saw him regularly. This makes me wonder if she not only wanted to be an independent woman but if she HAD to be.  So if there's anything I wish she'd written more about, it would be about her and Egon after the divorce.

Believe me when I say that having a Diane Von Furstenberg kind of woman as a good friend can make all the difference in the world to you.

Here's some reasons why:

She thinks women overall are great. She gives opportunities to other women. She helps women find their self esteem.
She admits her failures and doubts as well as her successes and hopes.
She's real.  Her expectations of you are high but there's room for your mistakes.
She is a life long learner.
She married the second time to Barry Diller when it made sense, not out of desperation.
She knows sexual exploration has its time and place.
She loves the culture of art and is kind to creators and makers.
She is worldly enough to know what goes on, but what is and isn't right for her at this time in her life.
She is generous in her judgement of others and quite accepting.
She is a feminist without being in a constant battle with men.

Thinking of Diane's qualities as those of a girlfriend you really need and should be, I wonder how many of my readers, who may admire or have other qualities, practice being a good friend.
What you owe a good friend and what they owe you is different and better than a friendship of lesser value.

Really Truly, the best gift you can give yourself is a Best Friend!

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