Monday, July 30, 2018


Over the last few months, I've received spam from people who are obviously spammers and people who think if they leave a long comment with some sort of "personal testimony" they can sneak in an advertisement so that my readers - be they wives, mistresses, love-lorn singletons, NMNK, whomever, will decide to have all their romantic and relationship issues solved by paying someone to caste a spell or take away the black magic.

I may have not caught one or two of these in the years that I've been publishing MISTRESS MANIFESTO BLOGSPOT, at least not right away, but I'm determined to delete, block, and report spam.

As for magic, you know there probably is something to it, but if a man isn't being nice to you, why would you want him back?  When you are young, inexperienced, or sheltered, or when you have put a lot of time into a relationship thinking enough effort will make it work, or enough time will guarantee it, well, guess what?  I once thought that way too, but in the end... it ended.

I think there is a right of passage to heartbreak.  I don't know anyone who hasn't had at least one.  Not to make a habit of it, but we really should try to learn from a bad relationship to stay away from that kind, or at least end it before it becomes a lifestyle, habit, and more and more hurtful.  The worst heartbreak isn't the end of a relationship with a bad person, it's when a good person is, well, not good enough, or you are not.

When it comes to the ENERGY you put forth to getting a man back who was not for YOU, I'm not saying it doesn't hurt, but please, try not to confuse pain and drama for LOVE!

Yes, I do think there are many ways to love and it is possible to love more than one person, even in a romantic way.  Everyone has to be honest that they are not monogamous and own up to it.

Some of the things I don't like that a lot of people think is only normal or right:

Dumping your friends because you got married or moved in with someone, leaving the available in the dirt.

Not "allowing" your significant other to have their own friends - including, when it's a heterosexual man, as an example, his women friends.  I think couples who have no friends are not well.

Expecting that someone owes you sex.  Sex is not owed even if you are married.  It's up to both partners to agree to have sex.  (And this means taking care of contraception and safe sex.)


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