Wednesday, July 18, 2018


It seems to me that there are a lot of people out there who say they would never do something, but then they do. Their experience deepens, their circumstances change, they fall in love much to their own amazement.

One of my supervisors said she would never sleep with the owner of the business she worked for, but did.  Very likely she felt she would loose her job if she did not but she had a thing for him for some time.  In the end he went on a vacation and brought back a wife and soon this supervisor went to work elsewhere because this wife came to work everyday and did everything she could to make life unhappy for her.

So, when I bring up the subject of Mistresses to someone, such as my desire to meet and interview anyone they know who is a Mistress, and I ask this question often of an older woman who worked a regular job for a living, I get responses such as...

"Why would you want to know about those whores?"
"I'm not going to talk to you about them, the bosses all had them."

I doubt these women I talked to have ever heard of a Woman's Studies Class.
These comments tell me that these people did know of Mistresses and they had no respect for them or that they are NOT going to provide me the entrĂ©e to them.  Generally these older women who worked a regular job for a living, even if they themselves did not marry or spent most of their life divorced or never married, seem to side with the wives against the Mistress but seem not to be upset with the married men who had a Mistress.  They are communicating that they would never and hold themselves as superior to those who do.

Among my friends who had affairs while married, in each case I would have never guessed that they would have even considered it until, it seemed suddenly because they didn't reveal it right away, they were involved outside of marriage.  Each of them seemed to have their head on straight and their heart in the right place when they married.

So I ask YOU.  Are you a Mistress who said she would never?
I'd like to hear your story.

Use comments. Your comment will not appear until I read it and decide to publish.  I will not publish anything that starts with the words "Do Not Publish."  I also, when I do publish, edit and change names. You can also leave contact information for me - an e-mail - if you do wish to be interviewed.


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