Friday, January 19, 2018


You might be thinking, is Getty ever going to slow down?  The answer is no.  Certainly he must have felt himself aging like most people, but it's said that his libido never quit.  Married but living separate lives with Teddy, in the summer of 1951 Getty went to Europe, never to return, although he actually booked steamship travel to come back to the United States a couple times.  He lived a nomadic existence of travel, purchasing antiquities.  He continued to get up late and read the local newspaper and the overnight bags of business papers, but it wasn't just because he wanted to stay out late.  It was because it was a 6-7 time difference there and he needed to call  the West Coast - Los Angeles rather late.  Of all his sons, it was Teddy's Timmy who he made the most effort with, speaking to him on the phone often.  But it's also said that he had women all over Europe.

In chapter 12 of the book "The House of Getty." a primary reference for this month's posts, by Russel Miller,  on page 33 of the e-book,

"He had many girlfriends all over Europe.  Some of them already collecting monthly cheques at their nearest American Express office courtesy of the libidinous old millionaire for services rendered.

I want to take a moment to think about that statement.  It does imply that Getty only enjoyed women for sexual services, implying these women were sex workers - prostitutes.  However, while there are many reasons why a man may keep a woman or a woman accepts being kept, I think that there is always a relationship of some sort involved.  And please note.  While some people know of Getty and know he is rich, he has yet to be outed to the world as the possibly richest man. Getty was too business savvy to have completely lost the value of a dollar, as some people insulated by their wealth do, however, perhaps he didn't want people to know just how rich he was.

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