Thursday, December 28, 2017


Hello My Dear "Steady" Readers!

This Holiday Season has been an unusual one for me.  I've remet relatives I haven't seen in years and met for the first time one I'm not related to, but a family member is: a son of my cousin's birth father came in from another country. I was not nervous about meeting him but others were nervous about it.  You see, my cousin's birth father and a relative of mine who was the birth mother many years ago when being an unwed mother was just not done in polite society were estranged. The two families would not even walk on the same side of the street back in the day. The unwed mother suffered terribly and never wed, while the unwed father did, again and again. And all these years later, a man in his senior years, their son, for the first time, had representatives of both sides of this long ago drama at the same table, holding hands as we closed our eyes and said a prayer before our meal.

I introduced myself to this man within moments of his entering the house, as a cousin from "the other side," and it took a while for him to realize what I was saying. No one had warned him. Now, what I was not prepared for was to like him very much.  In fact I was attracted to him, though of course not going to act upon it. Of course neither of us are actually responsible for what happened in those World War II years and none of us are responsible for the actions of people who were alive when we had not yet been born!

Still, it got me thinking about how much things have changed because so very many women are unwed mother's these days (and to be fair there are unwed father's involved too!).  As so many women who were Courtesans or Mistresses have had to, raising a child aside.

Home from the festivities that went better than anyone could have imagined, I decided to check on my blog here, MISTRESS MANIFESTO.  I know some mistresses are reading this blog as well as many more "mistress curious." 

Long ago I promised myself that I would not research and write only for hits.  (I even took down the Jim Morrison - Pamela and Patricia Triad for some time because that subject got too many hits, and I wanted my readers to go further in their reading and understanding.)  Well, I looked at the Google Stat's that are provided free with Google Blogger, and strangely I saw these extreme spikes of hits happening around Christmas.  In my heart I knew what was happening.  It wasn't those too busy with the holidays to read MISTRESS MANIFESTO, it was those who were at home, maybe even home alone for a week or so when the one they love is out of town.

A Mistress isn't always a Classic and Kept or living around another person. Adultery need not occur for someone to be a Mistress and these days with so many people living together without ever saying "I DO" it get's more difficult to even define a Mistress. But often Secret Romances go on hold around this time of the year when one person (or both) is more dedicated to family. Just as Secret Romances also often begin around this time; think about the Office Party and one too many, my friends.

Thank You for reading my blog.  I do work hard at it, and I know that it is appreciated.


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