Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I always wanted to cover some NAZI MISTRESSES, and I kept putting it off, because it's an especially tough subject and there seemed to be no good time to do so.  How can a woman love a man who is a murderer, blatantly so, as Amon Goth was?
How did Nazi's manage to do what they did?
Pure evil? Mass Hypnosis? Conformity? Rationalization?

These are things we should think about, absolutely.  The posts are there for you to get back to another time, because I know you need to take a deep breath and let it out. 
I know that you are ready for the American Holidays, beginning tomorrow, Thanksgiving, our celebration of Prosperity, as well as a celebration of our appreciation of the Freedoms of our Country, the United States of America, and being free of tyranny is part of that..

So, now's the time to redirect your thoughts to the Good in our world.

This past year I've met a few people who by my way of thinking qualify as Saints because of the selflessness they exhibit in kindness and service to others.

Here are two examples.

I know a woman, Betty, who agreed to have Power of Attorney to another woman, Mazie, when Mazie's husband died. They had known each other for over 30 years when he died.  Mazie, once brilliant and highly educated with a good career, has Alzheimer's and over the last six years Betty has done everything to give this a woman the best quality of life possible, though there came the day when she had to move her out of her house and into an Assisted Living home, something she feels bad about. Now Mazie sits in the corner paging through picture books, but Betty even tries to find her picture books she'd actually be interested in.

I met Shauna long ago and never really got to talking to her until recently. She always impressed me as a fashionista, because she seems to change her eyeglasses, hair and nails frequently, coordinating them with various colorful outfits. So I sat with her and asked her if she was on her way home and she said no, she was going to see a relative in a home where he must receive round the clock care for the rest of his life.  Shauna lives at least an hour and a half to two and a half hours, depending on how transportation is running, from the Nursing Home her relative lives in.  Eight years ago he was in a terrible accident and wasn't supposed to live.  The doctors determined they would pull the plug.  Shauna told God that if he would allow this relative to live, she would visit him every day.  And she has, not missing a day in EIGHT YEARS! 
I said, "You are so dedicated and loyal!" 
She said, "No it's God.  He's the one who opens my eyes each morning and when my eyes are open, then I know I have to get dressed and go!"  Here I thought I was sitting with a fashionista, but really I was sitting with a SAINT!

These people are exceptional.

I'll bet there is someone in your life who you are grateful for.  Remember to thank them!
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