Wednesday, September 27, 2017


We hear of Mistresses who started out working for a boss.  Some stay with the company and get their own Social Security and Retirement - come what may of the company itself, retirements, the relationship.  We hear of Mistresses who have their own business and the start up capital came from their man.  They work it and some of them have very successful and profitable businesses and can pay personal loans back or provide money when his business sinks.  We hear of Mistresses who are entirely Kept.  I hear that is rare these days and only the very rich can do so, but it still happens.

If you are Kept, how do you manage to save and invest for retirement?

Personally, if a person can afford it, I think it's very decent to be bought a house that is put into your name so that you have at least that.  Houses usually appreciate so that maybe when you are very old you will have to sell it to finance your last years.  So to me a house is a great investment and prevents you from having to cope with constant rent increases that use your money.

1 comment:

  1. The best way is to buy an annuity for your mistress that will pay her living expenses when you're gone. Leonard


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