Monday, September 11, 2017


I'll never forget when a friend of mine graduated from a good college with a difficult to achieve degree and right out of school was hired by a Fortune 500 company.  She was making double what most people do right out of college and she was proud, but also just a little showy about it. Her new income was impressive but far more is offered today by those women who are graduating with PHD's in the sciences.

She began to attract men who wanted to be Kept. In their youth, they wanted to marry her but they wanted to be Kept.

One of them was her hairdresser. He pledged that he would be willing to quit his business, transfer with her wherever the company might send her, and give her children if she wanted them and take care of them too.  At the time people called this a "role reversal."  It was rare to find a man who would consider it. When she came home from work, not only did he run a bath for her but he had dinner ready.  Every morning he did her hair.  She looked terrific.

My friend did not marry this man or Keep him, though while they were together she had her wallet open, and he was very comfortable letting her pay.  She transferred to another city where she never seemed to meet anyone to date.  Another transfer and the purchase of a little castle of a home on her own brought her another man who wanted to marry her but wanted to be Kept.  This one started sending his dry cleaning out with hers right away.  He did not want to give her children.  He intended to have a business that latched onto her career. He drove but he put his hand out for the gas money.  When his first business wasn't a go, she said, "That's OK."  Then she financed his second business.

She was no heiress.  She didn't have an impressive stock portfolio (not yet) and her family was just average. But so it went for a young woman with just a bit more than most.
Today many women are Keeping men who are like her.  It doesn't matter that they have just a little more because the man gets used to that little more being spent on them.

Does a man have to do your hair, run your bath water, drive you places?  Does he have to admire you and cater to your needs, anticipating whatever it might be that pleases you in the moment,  as our Mantress of the Month, Paul Novak, did Mae West?

Let me ask the women out there, Do you treat the men in your life that way?

If you are a man who wants to be Kept, showing off your expertise is the way to go, providing your expertise falls into the "help wanted" ad.  Stereotypically this means providing sexually satisfaction for your woman, and hopefully yourself, within reason.  But sex is not always necessary or even a priority.  So if your woman is perhaps not too interested in sex anymore, you need to make an agreement with her.  Do you get to have a lover too?  If she's an heiress, she might just want you to play tennis, go sailing, or travel with her.  If she's in business, she might just want to come home to a beautiful home setting and have dinner on the table, and maybe you get to meet her in another city but maybe not her business colleagues.  If she's married, you may also get to do these things, but in different locations and with a different group of friends.


Sometimes hardly at all.

I have a young neighbor who is Kept.  Yes, he's working every money making opportunity there is out there, via Uber, Lyft, AirBnB (when she is out of town.)  He's a high school drop out and very good musician, and yet, he's he doesn't actually hustle work.  He lets it find him.

She's got a Master's Degree in Marketing.  She pays the rent on a house and there are two new Tesla's in the driveway, one for him, one for her.

This woman will not marry him, something his parents, who are conservative, have pointed out.  When she's gone on business, she calls.  She does not say where exactly she is and who with and he doesn't ask. 

All week he takes care of her dog.  His parents also point out that he always wanted children and she has decided not to have any.  He's in his early thirties now.  Will he regret the years he has put in being Kept if and when she breaks with him?  (Seems to me most women are told they will regret it.)

There are those who are betting that she will break with him, the moment she meets her equal  or better in the business world.  Truly, I know he loves her and when she says things to him like "I'm not sure this is going to work out" and he becomes very depressed, I try not to give advice!

Being Kept does not require committing adultery!  With fewer couples actually marrying, the question is often, "Is it adultery?"

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