Thursday, July 16, 2015


BECAUSE HE'S NOT LEGALLY MARRIED TO TWO WOMEN AT THE SAME TIME... so I wonder when it will become legal here in the United States to be married to more than one person at a time!  Because same sex marriage was only the beginning of a revolution in ideas about what makes marriage.  Missy

Excerpt and Notes from THE WILD TRUTH by Carine McCandless

"My father continued to tell Marcia all about my mom; Marcia says when he left her for two weeks out of every month, she was made to understand that he was staying with his second family.  He was proud of having produced so many offspring and saw no reason to hide his other children from her.  In fact he envisioned us all eventually living together under one roof, and by way of convincing Marcia, pointed out that my mother made a fantastic pot roast - Marcia's least successful culinary endeavor - but he said that Marcia's spaghetti sauce was much better.  Marcia remembers she quipped "I didn't know you were a Mormon Fundamentalist, Walt."

Walt kept a special phone line in his home office with Marcia reserved for calls to and from Billie.

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