Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Excerpts and notes from THE WILD TRUTH by Carine McCandless

Carine states that Walt did not want a divorce from Marcia and gives evidence for this in that he resorted to physical violence to control her.*

Billie's lies included saying Shannon (a son Walt had with Marcia) had been held back a grade to avoid that he and Chris were the same age.   "Our parents would claim that one or more of us did not biologically belong to the family - usually to explain Quinn."  Quinn was incriminating evidence.  (Quinn also was the only child Marcia and Walt had whose given name didn't start with an S.*) (Page 26.)

"Eight children were extras in the show with limited access to the script.  We would all have to unravel the mystery on our own time."  (Page 28.)  I like Carine's way with words here*

(Pages 24-25)

Marcia also threatened to file for divorce more than once.  On one of Marcia's divorce filings she listed Walt's address as the house he shared with Billie, so when the papers were served, that's when Billie saw the name Quinn - a surprise to her. 

"Dad insisted Quinn wasn't his."

Shortly before she filed for divorce Walt beat Marcia badly and a 13 year old child called the police.  The police just asked him to leave the house.

About 1972 Marcia got her divorce and took her six children with Walt back to their home town.

* Notes by Missy

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