Saturday, May 9, 2015



from page 49 upon being returned to New York after 8 months with Fidel.

"The enclosed world in which I was being nursed back to health (after the forced labor and delivery of a baby in Cuba) was designed to suck me into a bad dream where these red blooded, God-fearing, all American heroes had rescued me, a half dead, traumatized girl sent back from Cuba, from the clutches of Fidel Castro, Antichrist and butcher..."

from page 72 when she is in training to be a spy

"I was a woman desired by men, of special importance to my country.  And I was also a drugged girl who, between sleeping pills and stimulants, withdrew to play with a pet turtle, a pet cat, and a baby doll I had saved from my childhood... Not unstable by CIA standards or in the world of Cuban counterrevolutionaries...

from page 81 when she is back in Cuba to assassinate Fidel with poison pills...

"Fidel entered the room as though I had never left.  He paused only briefly, then hugged me, said he was exhausted, that he needed to sleep in order to give his talk that night.

"I want to know about the baby," I told him. "I want to know now."

He asked me if I came for him or to kill him.  I told him both.  But first I wanted to know about the baby.

"I know nothing," he frowned, looked concerned.  "I had no part of that."

I said, "You're going to get killed twice.  My father is going to kill you."  Then, loosing control, I began to cry.  "I want to know what happened, Fidel."

Fidel explained that he had given no order, that the doctor had not acted on his behalf.  He also said that the doctor had been executed for his actions.  Fidel became evasive about what happened to the baby.

"All boys born of Cuban fathers belong to Cuba," he told me.

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