Tuesday, March 24, 2015


"I will not neglect my own interests, continue to define my goals, and try to live up to my potential, even if I'm committed to another person in a relationship."

Self Actualization.
  This term is kind of dated.  It is a concept of a psychology researcher named Maslow, who also showed us that we all have a "pyramid of needs."  When all the needs are fulfilled, we are able to reach the peak, self actualization.


Reading about 20ish Ginger Alden and the way Elvis influenced and dictated her fashion, beauty choices, and lifestyle in the 1970's, I'm reminded that we've "come a long way, baby" and how important it is to know oneself, keep up with your own interests, have goals (even if they are small and short term achievements to start), and to try and live up to your potential.

To Read More About Self Actualization


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