Wednesday, July 2, 2014


This month is dedicated to Slavic Women - Russian women,  Ukrainian Women, Polish Women, and Women of the other smaller Slavic countries, like Yugoslavia and Slovakia.  Though the Russians and Poles have been feuding and warring for centuries and there are daily changes in the Ukraine, have no doubt : Slavs have more in common ethnically with each other than those of other ethnic groups! 

Some of our most gorgeous popular models in recent years have come from these countries, sparking interest in unique Slavic looks and exotic mystique.

Women with Slavic DNA walk the fashion shows in Paris and Milan as models.

Some Slavic models come to the United States and marry - and divorce - movie stars like Mel Gibson or come to Great Britain to get with someone like Rolling Stone, Ron Wood!

Now that Edward Snowden, the whistle blower who, through journalists, let the world know about spying from the top on private citizens, is living in Russia, without his Hawaii-based girlfriend, we can't help but wonder...  Is he lonely? Is he a spy? Is he surrounded by Russian women spies? 

Since the James Bond - Cold War spy days, we Westerners have thought of those Slavic women spies as especially deadly!  Seductive, unemotional, charming sociopaths!


How does a man who wants a Slavic woman as his lover find her, if he cannot find a Slavic- American woman, which there are many of right here?

The Internet is one of the places that American men (and men from other countries as well) seek to make connections with these beauties.  Are these connections healthy?  Are they real?  How many men import a woman to marry and then don't?

Farm girls, at once more innocent and traditional, and hurting from poverty, are sometimes lured to the United States under nefarious means. 

Can it be love at first sight instead? 

Since MISTRESS MANIFESTO gets a lot of interest in Russia (Over 1300 hits since I began blogging! I can't help but think that most of these women are sneaking to read this blog), I almost feel it my duty to at least discuss what has been going on.

I first thought of this as a subject to dwell a month on because I heard that an old platonic friend of mine had, a few years ago, imported a bride from China.  If he were Chinese himself, then there is a long tradition of Picture Brides and arranged marriages in the Orient.  At least his marriage was arranged by Chinese-American friends!  He's an American of Russian Jewish ancestry and I can testify that this man had here in the U.S. his pick of wonderful women who wanted him but he just kept on rejecting women! 

I remembered overhearing a conversation he had with some other rather desperate American men.  By desperate I mean that they were all complaining about not being able to get a date at all, or, if they had been an active dater as he had been, not meeting a woman who truly excited them or who they could imagine a life with. I could easily find fault with some of these men for having rather impossible standards, feeling that they were somehow owed a woman who had more going for her than they could offer, but more than anything they were interested in the idea that a woman from another country would be more traditional, less feminist, less demanding. 

Could it be that a woman who travels across the world for opportunity, leaving her family or support system behind, is simply easily trapped with lies? 

I do not want that to happen to anyone!

As my readers know I like to research my subjects, read around them through books, articles in magazines and on the Internet, and so on, and I did find one book that I thought was excellent on this subject, providing some myth busting testimonials.


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