Monday, July 21, 2014


SHATTERED DREAMS BROKEN PROMISES is C 2007 Michael Viner Phoenix Books

UNNAMED WOMEN fell in love with a Black American man, while still in Russia, called Smith.   Though her mother loved American Jazz, and she had reason to believe her mother had an affair with a Black man herself at one time, she knew this was not acceptable behavior.  She conducted her dating relationship with him for a year without introducing him to her parents and then he continued to write to her from America.  She came to New York as a dancer on a Broadway production and she had Smith continued their relationship.  She became pregnant while living with him.  Eventually she becomes a Stripper.

Page 177 - 178

"I decided I would talk to my dad and he would prepare my mother for the news.  Surely, the most important thing was that I was a happy woman.  Smith gave me an engagement ring and said we should get married right away.  It's funny because in Russia, you don't swap rings before you get married, the "wedding ring" is called the "engagement ring" and you're given this on your wedding day.  We got married and had a small celebration with just the two of us.  I thought it was strange when Smith put the ring on my left hand.  In Russia, you only wear the ring on your left hand if you are a widow.  Otherwise, it is customary to wear their ring on your right hand... his parents didn't accept me."

(She called Russia to announce she was three months pregnant and married to Smith.  Her father died of a heart attack from the shock immediately after talking to her.  She had her baby, Anastasia, and then four years later Smith had an affair with a co-worker and left her alone in America.)

Page 178
"Not long ago our maid from Moscow called and told me that my mother had died.  I took a flight with my daughter back home.  People around us gave me condemning looks and whispered about my black daughter.  After I had been there a few days, I understood how much I loved America.  I will never go back to Russia."

... You spend your money simply without thinking, making sure that the ever-present shadow of despair does not suck you in,  This is how you prove to yourself why you work in this business and why you shake every part of your body in front of strangers' faces.

Working as a strip dancer, you can't build a serious relationship with a man  Indeed no man wants to learn that his dear girl shows her body in front of hundreds of salivating men. The men who work as the owners of the clubs, the drivers of the girls, the managers and the guards have nothing against us.  They know that we are normal.  But it's not a good idea to have an affair with someone from the work place.  For a woman, it is emotionally hard to hide the work she's doing from the man she loves.  She lies because she is afraid to lose him.  She works because she needs to survive.  And she is always afraid to be alone.

... In my home country they say that "Russians invented love in order not to pay."

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