Tuesday, May 27, 2014



EXCERPT: It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress.” She also says: “I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.”

After 10 years of virtual silence (“So silent, in fact,” she writes, “that the buzz in some circles has been that the Clintons must have paid me off; why else would I have refrained from speaking out? I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth”). Lewinsky, 40, says it is time to stop “tiptoeing around my past—and other people’s futures. I am determined to have a different ending to my story. I’ve decided, finally, to stick my head above the parapet so that I can take back my narrative and give a purpose to my past. (What this will cost me, I will soon find out.)”


MIssy here! 

In March of 2012 I elected Monica as subject of the month, if not Mistress of the Month, saying everyone needed TO GET OFF HER BACK.  (You may want to bring up all those posts by either going to the archive or using the search feature of this Google Blogger.) 

After all, President William Jefferson Clinton, a known womanizer with a very tolerant wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was and is still respected. He had the nerve to call a woman he was having sex play with at the White House "that woman" and denied he had sex because he went Old School and decided that sex is only intercourse.

Hillary played Black Madonna and refused to speak to him for some weeks as punishment, while Monica, who was much young, infatuated, sexy, and impressed with the power of the Presidency, has lived a life of suffering for her mistake. 

Like some other women, such as Marilyn Monroe, who are called Mistresses in the Press, Monica was never actually a Mistress to the President or any other man that I know of, but I feel sure that back in the day if she couldn't marry Clinton she would have been happy to be his mistress.  In fact at this point I wish Monica had become some wonderful man's mistress because that would be better for her than what she has experienced which is to be a social outcaste.

In the current Vanity Fair article she confesses to being not suicidal but near suicidal at times over the last years since the scandal that will always have her name attached.  She also is open minded about having a life with another woman if not another man since men have also been a problem.  Intelligent and educated, having gone to London to achieve a Master's degree, she has yet to find a good employer.

One of the lessons of Monica Lewinsky is about trusting another woman/person with your private life secrets, someone who you don't know that well and shouldn't be e-mailing your private information with like someone in the same company or same business, in this case politics. 

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