Sunday, April 20, 2014


"It's a common misconception - at least in my worldview - that it's best to enter a family as a first wife.  People often think, incorrectly that the first wife has the highest status and the most security. I never saw it this way.  In fact, in my opinion, being the first wife takes too much work and involves too much self sacrifice. You have to give up your life entirely and be joined at the hip to your husband.  It's just you and your husband until the day he married a second wife.  This kind of single-minded devotion never appealed to me - I'm independent and I like my freedom.

Being the second wife didn't seem like a better option either. In fact, I think that would have been worse than being the first wife. The second wife has the hardest job and is put in the most uncomfortable position, because she's the one who comes along and disrupts the marriage of the first wife and her husband. You can't blame her - it's not the second wife's fault.  It's just the nature of her role. She's the wedge that comes between the couple. And I was never going to put myself in that position...

But the third wife - she's the lucky one!  She's the one who comes along and makes peace between the first two wives.  The third wife is in a blessed position.  She doesn't have to face marriage on her own without the help from sister wives or bear the burden of breaking up a previously monogamous couple...

Christine Brown (Third wife of Kody Brown) speaking  on page 48 of SISTER WIVES

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