Sunday, March 9, 2014


SINCE I WANT MY READERS TO FOCUS ON OTHER MAN SHARING MISTRESSES I'VE DECIDED TO TAKE THIS MONTH DOWN - AT LEAST FOR A WHILE! Thanks for reading! Missy Of the entire book, STRANGE DAYS, which is Patricia Kennealy's side of the story, the part about the conversation she has with Pamela Courson when she goes to Los Angeles before Jim and Pamela leave for Paris, is the most revealing to me.  It's on pages 244- 245-246-247-248 of the hardback.  Patricia had her abortion and it seems to have disturbed her very much, even though she talks logically about it.  Jim didn't keep his promise that he would be there and go through it with her and she's angry.  She also confronts him about who her competition really is.  She has given Jim many assurances that she loves him and can cope with a long distance relationship.  When she visits Pamela, Pamela may be high.  At first, Pamela remembers her as a "really cool writer" they had dinner with in New York.

Patricia  ..." There are a few things I think maybe you ought to know and I don't know if it will hurt you but I'm afraid I have to tell you anyway."  What I tell her, industrial strength, is that Jim and I have been having an affair for more than a year, have been friends for almost two.  She seems surprised and genuinely intrigued.

Pamela ... "Wow, I never met one of Jim's girlfriends before..."

Then Patricia tells her that they were going to have a baby until a month ago.

Pamela ... "Ohhh, and you decided not to have it after all.  Oh Patricia, that's so sad.  That must have been so hard for you."  She sounds as if she really feels bad for me.  I reinforce the point.  "Jim and I together decided not to have it."

Pamela... "Oh yea - I see that but it would have been nice if you could have loved Jim enough to have the baby."

Pamela tells Patricia how and when she and Jim met - in 1965 - September. Then Patricia tells Pamela she was in Miami with Jim for a week.  Jim didn't want Pamela there.

Pamela says to Patricia... "But it's not over.  Jim still loves you, and you him, no it's cool, it really is.  I tell him all the time, Jim you've outgrown me, you need to find someone to challenge your mind."  She looks at me with not the slightest hint of hostility and says, "I guess he found you.  Do you know Patricia, I haven't balled  him for over a year?  It's not so different from what you have with him, and it's cool,  believe me, it's cool."

Patricia wonders if this confession of Pamela's is supposed to make her feel better.  She thinks, "Or is it some kind of bizarre permission I am being given here - the head wife in the Morrison harem giving her permission to the second wife?"

(Missy here!  Honestly, Pamela sounds like she's doing her best to understand and accept the situation, high or not.  She's not a bitch!)

After Pam left for Paris a week or so before Jim was to, their mutual friend Diane, who figures in all of this, alerts Patricia, and Patricia goes to spend time with Jim in the mostly vacant apartment Pamela was renting with his money.  They had a pretty good time until the end when he gets drunk and obnoxious, allowing another woman to come on to him in front of her, and then taking both women to see strippers.  Patricia finds herself out of control and beating up this woman who she then demands drive her to the airport.   Patricia still gets some letters from Jim sent from Paris as if nothing went wrong, as if he still plans to return to her in the fall, but it's the last she sees of him alive.  He dies there before anything more can happen.


  1. Thank You Missy for letting us know about this book. I plan to read both of them myself. As a member of a coven, I too was upset by the portrayal of the bloodletting in the film. I would love it if Patricia wrote another book about where she's at today with her past relationships and in the craft. Jessica

  2. I am the woman Patricia lies about so liberally in her fantasy novel STRANGE DAYS, and anyone interested in the truth about Kennealy, Jim Morrison and "Tiffany" should Google "Tiffany Talks: Your Ballroom Days Are Over, Baby," free on the Doors Collectors Magazine website,

    Thank your for your consideration.

    ----Janet Erwin

  3. I looked at the web site you mentioned in your post and decided to go ahead and post it. I'm aware that the question of Jim Morrison's "marriage" to Patricia is controversial as is his "marriage" to Pamela, WITH BOTH WOMEN AT VARIOUS TIMES CALLING THEMSELVES JIM's "wife," and various people taking sides or having opinions about it, while it is clear to be that Morrison was probably unable to ever be faithful or loyal to any woman... he himself could well be called "a liar" by a number of women he was sexually or otherwise involved with. That said, THE TRUTH is often difficult to know about anything because we all experience our own perspective first and foremost. Missy


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