Saturday, March 1, 2014


Good Morning My Faithful Readers, wherever you are - The Phillipines? Russia? Argentina? I've been thinking about YOU, because I check to see where my readers are coming from and sometimes I think "What must it be to be a Mistress in a whole different culture, one that may be more conservative right now, or maybe one that has more newly wealthy entrepreneurs, like Russia does.

For this blog I write about people, mostly women in heterosexual relationships though we know that being kept is not exclusive to women or heterosexuals, I write about people who have become famous or infamous, because it's not my thing to out people who live private lives, and I seek to define Mistress since it's clear that you do not have to be single yourself, involved with an officially married person (what in this age when so many couples do not officially marry and homosexuals are fighting for the right to be married!), or actually be an adulterer to be a Mistress.

That's one of the reasons I'm AMUSED at times CONFUSED at other times by the use of the word MISTRESS in the media. First, even the world COURTESAN has meant different things in different cultures, from being a high class prostitute to simply a woman who is highly accomplished in the arts. Secondly, and I think unfortunaltey, the word Mistres brings up many web sites that are clearly playing on the Sadio-Masocistic aspect of relationships in which a woman, often a prostitute, plays up her domination. Not sure where this started but I think "English boarding schools!" third, the press seems to use the word Mistress for any woman who has simply had an affair with a man of newsworthyness, say a celebracty or a politiocian. So many people are having AFFAIRS today that I back away from the use of Mistress to mean women who are having affairs. Certainly women who go on booty calls are not mistresses, they're simply free spirits at this time in their lives. Then there are the common stereotyupes, and as with all stereotypes maybe there's some truth to them. The stereotyle is an adultress, a "home - wrecker," who tears apart a marriage, or a woman who is simply addicted to the challenge of getting and keeping a man who another woman has claims to. Contrast that with the fact that in some cases,historically and now, there are Mistresses who actually help another woman keep her marriage together. Yes, some wifes and mistresses know of each other and have boundaries but actually are friends! Why is this so surprising at a time when we have come through the "Love The One You're With" Summer of Love, 1960's, and know that some people have chosen to live in polygamous and other relationships peopled by 3 or more?

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