Thursday, March 20, 2014


Back in April of 2011 I elected JERRY HALL as ? Mistress? of the Month. Jerry is known as the woman who had FOUR children with Mick Jagger.  She wanted to marry him for years and he finally married her, but when they "divorced" the marriage was "annulled."  (I have to ask how so!)   Worth at least $300 million (the reports vary)  Jerry called him "very generous" over a settlement of about $7 million!  (Too bad they didn't have a legal marriage in California - a community property state!)

I also posted about L'WREN SCOTT, who was Mick Jagger's lady for about a decade at that point, and who became his long term "best friend and lover" as he calls her.   She died owing about $6 million and Mick is said to have financed her fashion business for years.

The news that L'Wren Scott commit suicide on this first day of spring, when I should be enjoying the  uplifting weather, has me thinking about her and feeling rather down myself. 

L'Wren was an accomplished stylist to the stars and fashion designer who had been legally married to lesser millionaires than the Rolling Stone's singer twice before.  Reports on the Internet are numerous and mostly repetitive, some suggesting that her business had failed and that she was depressed over remaining unmarried and childless and perhaps not being invited on the Rolling Stone's tour of Australia and New Zealand with their large entourage.

One of the reports that touched me the most was that the actress Ellen Barkin, a good friend of L'Wren's, was one of the people who went and sat with L'Wren's dead body until she was taken away.  And I keep thinking, when I hear L'Wren tied her neck by a scarf to a door handle and knelt, is how that worked.  L'Wren was six foot three or four without the high heels, but I don't get how you kneel and hang!

The act of suicide by one so physically healthy, beautiful, talented, and barely old, is so difficult to understand.  Mick Jagger had two previous girlfriends, in the 1960's, who were also so depressed when he broke with them to have attempted it, Chrissie and Marianne.

But if I may, there are lessons to be learned by L'Wren Scott's life...


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number


First of all, if you are feeling depressed and isolating yourself, be it over a man, a career, a whole bunch of things or just one damn thing, there is so much help out there for you!  In recent years it's been said that one woman in four will go through a serious bout of depression in her lifetime.  Yes, there are meds and maybe you'll only need them as you talk things out, make some decisions, and go through a rough transition. 

Don't be TOO PROUD to get that help! 

Secondly, I think L'Wren was in the position of being a mistress, not one hidden away, but a mistress, when she wanted to be a wife.  IF YOU WANT TO BE A WIFE, IF YOU WANT LEGAL MARRIAGE, don't get yourself hung up in a relationship with a man who is NOT EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE FOR MARRIAGE.  This can be because he is married, because he is adverse to marriage, because he is not ready to be married to anyone, or because he doesn't want to marry you!  (You could almost say that you can't take that personally!)

If your man sleeps around he's putting you in danger.  He can bring home diseases that will wreck your fertility and chances of having children.  I have always heard that Mick Jagger is a sex addict.  I've heard this from people who say they were close to the camp.   I don't know what to think since the man is now 70 and you might think he started slowing down long ago.  But whatever your marital status, when you go to the gyne, get checked for everything, and go often if you or your lover have others.  (Men should also be checked for STD's frequently!)


If you are thinking of suicide - thinking about pills, guns, scarves, nooses, or elevators to the top of a skyscraper, believe me, you probably are at least temporarily mentally ill. You may be in such pain that you can't think of others any more but believe it, if you kill yourself, you will HURT other people.  

So do you want to HURT THEM or BE OUT OF PAIN YOURSELF?  How about you get well, get out of bad relationships?

Your children especially are owed more. You will leave them abandoned and wondering and you'll leave a legacy for your children to cope with.  So with that last bit of hope you can spare, for them, you must get help.

DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF.  Admitting your weaknesses is as important as admitting your strengths.  Don't get sucked into the denial of "positive thinking" about yourself, your life.  Speak up when you want more or different!  L'Wren is said to have wanted marriage and children but felt that she would loose Mick if she brought it up.  Why is it that so many very accomplished women are AFRAID to tell a man what they want in general or what they want with him when they are giving so much of themselves and their lives to him?

If you've been in a relationship that has been long enough to have a history, sentimentality, ageing, finances, and so much more can KEEP YOU THERE, keep you from leaving.  I'm sure L'Wren felt overwhelmed with failure, as if nothing was going her way, but even if that were so,  her sense of not being valuable on this planet just as a human is heart breaking.*


Note: March 24 - 27 2014 : I have slightly rewritten the original post because when I read it on someone else's computer, I realized it might have been a little confusing.  Tomorrow is L'Wren's funeral in Hollywood.  She was cremated and her ashes split between the Jagger Family and her Utah family.  I do not condemn her to hell eternal for the act of suicide, and I hope she is there in her spirit.  I even feel sorry for Mick Jagger.

Missy Rapport/Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  C 2014 All Rights Reserved including International and Internet Rights.


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