Sunday, February 23, 2014



OK Missy, I'll tell you.  I was a prostitute.  I ran away from home when I was 15 and lived on the streets.  I lived with other kids and managed to survive.  Like I never had a pimp or was beat up and I didn't get HIV.  Actually I'm vegetarian and I don't drink or do drugs.  It was real tough but I made it out.  Fourteen years ago I moved into a room in a house with one box of stuff to my name and now I work in real estate!  I have nothing to do with my family. Missy, I feel compelled to tell the man I've been seeing the truth about me.  I feel if he really loves me he will understand.  He's been asking me questions like "Do you usually spend the holidays with your family?" and "What's your mother like?"  I just said "no" and "she's a real character."



Andrea, the key here is 14 years ago.  That was a long long time ago.  I'm so glad you got out of that life and made it because many do not.  I understand you want to be authentic.  However, you are not bringing disease or drug addiction into this relationship so I wonder how what happened 14 years ago effects the relationship.  Who you are today is who you are today. That's what should be important, I feel.  I can't be sure how this man will take the news and I know you want me to assure you that he does love you and it will be all right.

You might want to read around Jillian Lauren, who I wrote about a few months back, using the search feature in this blog to bring up those posts.  Jillian has her act together today but she had many years of suffering as well.  She was an escort, a stripper, and the mistress - consort of two very wealthy royal men, but she also had a long ordeal with drug addiction.  Today she is a wife and mother and successful writer.

I can only share a story with you.  I met a woman who was in your situation herself years ago who is now married to an executive in the movie business.  They've had a long marriage.  She told me "I was on the street. I told him right away, after I met him, that I'd been on the street."  From this I get two ideas.  One, tell him simply, "When I was 15 I ran away from home and was on the street for a while.  It's best for me if I don't have a relationship with my family.  I'm so glad our relationship is so loving."  Two, if you're going to tell, him tell him soon.  I think most people know that when you say you were on the street as a teenager they know it was rough.  Focus on the here and now and who you are today.  Don't go on and on with stories of things that happened to you, just keep it simple.

May you be blessed!


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