Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Loving Your Separated Man Without Losing Your Mind
by Robyn Todd and Lesley Dormen  C 1999
M Evans and Company  New York

This book is not going to tell you to become a mistress or to stay in a relationship when the divorce he kept promising never happens, but I really appreciated the fact that these authors were so understanding of the situation many women find themselves in, and the questions you might ask yourself by Dr. Leslie A Pam without any heavy morality or psychology. 

I think this book encourages self honesty and introspection, something that's very important.  I think that if you started dating a man who was separated from his wife, living separately, or if you've been told may want to read this book.

If you've fallen in love with him and are having a sexual relationship with him and you want the relationship to work then you might want to read this book. 

I found it at a library and it's not a recent publication, but seek it out.

Will he?  Won't he?  Is that making you feel crazy?

Many women do stay in a relationship hoping the man they've been seeing will divorce and then marry them.  Something we hear about, just talking with women friends, is the idea that some relationships are simply transitional.  That means that a woman goes through all the divorce shit and then he dumps her and starts up with someone else.  Or he decides he doesn't want to be married at all.  Maybe he never played around before he married and wants that experience now.  Maybe he needs some alone time.

Yes, staying in there anyway, is the way that some women become mistresses.

This book doesn't get into the fact that these days many women do not want to be married either.  Still, it's a short, easy read, with a lot of good information.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the book. It is so hard to find material for coping with a partners divorce that isn't focused on step parenting. Would love to hear other women's stories of coping with a crazy angry ex whilst trying to have the patience and strength to see through his never-ending divorce.
    I'm not a mother and his kids are grown up but it has not stopped her using them (and his whole family) as bait. It's a daily nightmare with no end in sight. Can anyone recommend a blog or support group? I am UK based and this is not a subject talked about, despite there being millions of not-yet-divorced-men in this country, most of whom, are dating single, available women who have no idea what they are getting into!


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