Monday, December 2, 2013


I decided to go just get into the Holiday Season this month and not give it over to a Mistress or Mantress of the month.

Of course I've been considering who I'll be featuring in the coming year! 

Oh, I do hope I'll surprise you!

What a year it's been and I do so want to get cozy.  I feel like staying indoors and in bed to read good books and watch some movies I've missed.  I feel like filling my slow cooker with lots of veggies and some meat - just enough - and making a stew to come home to (have you ever tried pouring a can of beer into a slow cooker stew?), then go out, take a long walk alone in my coat, without money - just an ID and a few bucks in my pocket. Maybe I'll go shopping before the hustle bustle.  I feel like maybe a yoga class and later a long hot soak in the tub with some beautiful perfumed bath salts.

I'm getting ready for the New Year too!

I was going through my closet the other day, and putting some things I no longer wear in bags to be donated to charity.

Do you remember when you were a teenager and so sensitive to all the fads?  Of course you didn't think of them as fads!  You weren't posing!  Whatever it was - Preppie - Grunge - Punk - Starlet -  you actually were or aspiring to be exactly what your clothing said about you.  The music you listened to and the people you dated were part of that time in your life.

Then the years passed, you matured, and you found that  there were some things - clothes - people - that you gave away, and yet there are some things - people - that remain classic and dear to you. Finding your own style which will endure with you for years, maybe a favorite hair cut that plays up your best features, a color of lipstick that makes your teeth look brighter and your smile kissable, or a signature perfume that you never seem to tire of, has a comfort to it. (What is your favorite floral bouquet?  What's your taste in jewelry?) These are the things that, as gifts, are always appreciated. 

(Oh dear, what ever happened to my old friend who was gifted a massive life time supply of Georgio?)

CoCo Chanel said, "Style is being yourself on purpose!"

Of course Style seems to be most about Fashion, things that are most obvious to others when they first see you.  At least you hope you can be alluring enough that some people will want to get to know you better because personality counts too!. 

Having friends is important.  We are all in need of at least one Golden Friend who we can be ourselves with and really talk to and be understood by, someone we can Trust.  That isn't as easy as it used to be when we go through so many changes so rapidly.  We don't have the leisure we used to have and seem to rush through life, sometimes without reflection.  We tend to have friends who are with us only through college, or only while we live in a certain neighborhood, or only while we are married.

The holiday season with all it's distractions may not be the time to do serious soul searching or begin a radical diet, but my guess is that your Wish List and your New Year Resolutions are not so different.  It may begin with a Make-Over.  It could end with a New You by this time next year.


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