Sunday, October 20, 2013



Hi Missy.  I'm in Texas.  I've been a mistress for a couple years and you guessed it, he has oil money.  I'll call him Jared.  Jared thinks I'm sexy and that I have a fantastic body.  He compliments me on my hair, my smile, and the way I dress.  He isn't married, he's divorced, and so he has introduced me to many of his friends and their wives and I don't get the feeling we're sneaking around.  I guess I fit the mistress type because I don't work and he supports me.  This way I'm free to go anywhere with him as he pleases. 

A few months ago Jared suggested that he have my nose fixed as a birthday present to me.  I thought he was joking and brushed the idea off.  Now he wants me to have my nose fixed as a Christmas present.  I'm comfortable with my looks.  My nose is a little big but kind of cute.  Well, that's what most people tell me.  My mom thinks his request is outrageous.  Any advice? 



I'm against it, Roxy, for a few reasons.  Mostly I've been thinking a lot about what Scott Thorson went through with Liberace (I gave Scott a month recently and you can read those posts on this blog.  Use the Google search feature to pull them up.)  I think maybe if you have your nose done Jared will next come up with something else about you he wants to redesign.  If he thinks you're sexy, have a fantastic body, loves your hair and  your smile - that is a lot that pleases him - so why pick on your nose?

Is he a bit controlling?

The other reason I'm against it is that I heard of someone's mistress who did get her nose fixed and her man hated the new nose and before it was all over ...  She stopped before she looked like Michael Jackson but in the end the nose she hated was all she got.  This persnickety man found other reasons to find fault with her and dumped her!  Now every time she looks in the mirror she thinks of what she did for him and hates herself and the way she looks.

I wonder if there is any cosmetic surgery you do want to have?  If so I would suggest to Jared that you want this other surgery.  Otherwise, I think you should tell him you want to end the discussion on this topic.


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