Sunday, August 4, 2013


Through these pages you'll find Mistresses who died penniless and exiled after being with Kings and Princes, and Mistresses who did well enough (or were smart or lucky enough) to live off the gifts they were given for being a man's companion in their youth for the rest of their life.  You also read a lot about famous and infamous mistresses. The mistresses (and a few mantresses) that you've read about are generally well known.

RUTH TYRANGIEL, however, is a mysterious mistress muse.  Most of us only know about her because she sued the world famous singer-songwriter Bob Dylan for palimony*  and there was a settlement out of court, generous enough for her, if she's smart and lucky, to live the rest of her life very well off.  Most of us only know about Ruth because she is, last we heard, living in retirement in New York (mostly) from the undisclosed settlement that her lawyer brokered for her with Bob's.  (A few years back she sold her home there to actress Renee Zellweger.)

Though involved with one of the world's most prolific and respected singer-songwriters, BOB DYLAN, for seventeen to twenty years of their lives, few outside Dylan's intimate circle of family and friends, knew about Ruth. 

She kept a low profile and Bob tries to keep his private life out of the media, very successfully.  With the women he has married and/or had children with, he believes it is best to shield them from fame.  He's the provider who goes out into the world and brings back the goodies, but Ruth claimed in her law suit that in all the years she knew him he only gave her one gift - an orange. 

Was this a case of Bob wanting Ruth to prove that she loved him only for himself?  I'd say she succeeded!

During that time he was married to his wife Sara, with whom he has four children. Bob and Sara divorced and then he married again - but not Ruth.  (Bob Dylan is rumored to have fathered at least seven children, and possibly one son with Ruth.) 

Ruth said in her statement that he promised he would marry her.

I first heard her name less than a decade ago when I met one of those people who explained to me that her surname means DOOR ANGEL in Hebrew.  Still, I had no idea that when this person said "involved" with Bob Dylan," that we were talking a MISTRESS, a MYSTERIOUS woman who was involved with a ENIGMATIC MAN.  I hadn't read any of the books about Bob Dylan in which she is mentioned.

Ruth MilesTryangiel is so mysterious I had to really dig to come up with some information about her for you. There are far more mistresses that will live their lives unknown to the world, like Ruth, than the famous and infamous ones.

*See my previous posts about Michelle Triola Marvin who sued actor Lee Marvin for not providing support for her after living together as if man and wife, the suit that coined the word "palimony."

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  /Missy Rapport  All Rights Reserved including International and Internet Rights

I recently picked up a simple comment which wouldn't publish - guess there's a glitch.  It said, "I wonder if Bob really loved Ruth."  I bet he did, but then I think there are so very many ways to love. When a man has a long involvement with a woman well, that says a lot. Consider that Ruth, as far as we know, was only photographed publically with Bob once.  No doubt they had some sort of understanding that she remain in his private life, and not his public!  That's my opinion!  Missy

In addition I also want to mention that someone sent me information on Ruth that I have no way of proving, without a name, reference, or link.  If that's YOU, please provide me a way to check out that information!


  1. She is also seen in the movie "Monterey Pops" sitting next to him on the piano bench, singing with him. They definately look in love.

  2. I met Ruth in 1989, at a retreat up in the mountains of Santa Monica. It was a sort of west coast, personal growth thing. It cut pretty deep and being in my "pod" for ten days of deeply personal and intimate (platonic) sharing, we got to know each other pretty well. She did talk about Bob, but ut certainly wasn't in the bragging category. Just imagine how hard it would be for anyone to be the muse and mistress of one of the world's most famous enigmas for 20 some odd years, and not be able to talk with too many people about it. She was a very nice person with particular issues and concerns, but she had a great energy, as one might imagine, and was a fairly put together and powerful person in her own right. I wont add any personal details, but... being as snap-happy back then as people are today, I do happen to have some pictures, in pristine condition I might add, to back up my story. FWIWIG.

  3. I've heard some rumors about Ruth before ever writing about her on this blog and since then, but I chose to publish these two. I would love to know if she is well and if she is indeed settled in New York City or back on the West Coast where she has family. Thanks Missy

  4. Hi there, I’m personal friends with Ruth and was her tenant in 2018-2019. I loved living with her. She is a generous, spiritual, sweet, and giving person. She did her best to take care of things right away as a landlord and treated me with utmost respect, appreciation, and kindness. She lives in Southern California in a beautiful mountain town with “strong nature” vibes, as she puts it - and she is accurate! It’s a very healing place, as is her home. Her lovely house is beautiful inside and out, with a great porch and living room window view of the nearby valley and mountains. The skies are clear at night over her house, so the stars shine and twinkle brightly! She’s has lots of friends locally and afar, many passions still burning, and is currently working on all kinds of personal projects, creative and constructive, including a visit to NYC soon.


  5. My thoughts are only thoughts. I really believe Bob Dylan believed that all women were for his taking and using. I am trying to figure out what all the fuss was about over Bob Dylan. yes an artist, musician who wrote amazing creative songs but that's it. What made all these women throw themselves and be taken by him and knowing he was married with children. It's as if the women don't have to take responsibilities for their own choices. Ruth was on a blog recently saying that photo shown wasn't the correct photo and it was someone else entirely. I am assuming Ruth is proudly ok with the fact of having an affair with Bob Dylan while he was married to Sara Dylan. Until Ruth Tryangiel receives the same disrespect as she gave to Sara Dylan, then she doesn't understand the pain and suffering she caused the wife of Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan was having relationships with Sally Kirkland for years also. If every woman just said no to Bob Dylan's advances or coming on to them and walked away then Sara and Bob would have had a chance of lasting happiness and their children wouldn't had to suffer.

  6. Hi Missy
    I have done some research only for the reason since Bob Dylan is involved with so many women. I have never met Bob Dylan and find that to be very fortunate since I was a young and fairly beautiful girl when Bob Dylan arrived, I didn't seek him out like other friends did. I was mesmerized by his creativity and songs. You might say he just remained in my imagination and I wasn't alone in that. You may say my connection is a very strange but it makes sense since he is part of the psyche and youth culture then. You would have to go to the beginning of his arrival in the 1960s to grasp what I am saying. Having listened to most of his music and songs relating to his personal private life and that would keep interest and even amused. getting to the point of this, Could it be Ruth is exaggerating or illusionary about her relationship with Bob Dylan. Ruth had such a long term relationship with Bob Dylan and lived with him for 17 to 20 year span she says. In those years He was supposedly seeing and having close relationships with Sally Kirkland and ALSO married to someone else while with Ruth. How could it be possible to have so many long term relationships going on with different women and living with two of them and in different parts of the country. if it doesn't make sense then it can't be true. She also mentioned the only gift was an orange which reminds of an Leonard Cohen song, where Leonard writes Suzanne gave Cohen oranges that came all the way from China. It's as if Ruth has taken the orange idea out of an Leonard Cohen lyric. Or Bob Dylan who liked Leonard Cohen's lyric or was making fun and so he just gave Ruth an orange that came all the way from China to mimic or make fun of Leonard Cohen.

  7. totally love your blog if that's what it is called. Very insightful and without judgements of women or men who sleep with married others or have other partners they are in a committed relationship with. In the 1960s it began to be the norm where women especially fell for artists, poets, songwriters and became their muses who inspired songs. Leonard Cohen's Suzanne was written and inspired by a lady who lived naturally and very much hippy like. While Leonard was involved in a committed relationship he would seek out Suzanne for inspiration and she was his muse for awhile. No longer were these women called mistresses to these songwriters but muses. The guilt was removed for these women when they knew the artists or songwriters who married or in a committed relationship. The women were then given a better label and status. Bob Dylan and the artists of the 1960s created lyrics in their songs the traits they want their women to have. Love minus Zero a song written by Bob Dylan, mentions his women aren't jealous or judgmental, she speaks like silence. In other words she doesn't disclose intimate details if there are affairs with Bob Dylan or any of the other artists. This ideal woman was created out of a song. As the decade moved onward women who did have affairs with artists changed into women who felt jealousies that they couldn't ignore. It was disclosed from Ruth that there was some kind of distraught that Bob Dylan was sleeping with someone who Ruth didn't want him sleeping with. The ideal women that Bob Dylan created with his song had changed and no longer remained silent or didn't have jealousy and judgements. Ruth was also upset that Bob Dylan didn't marry her during their relationship but he married someone else. Ruth felt the same sorrow and pain that Sara Dylan went through when Ruth ran off with Bob Dylan. The mistress or muse who has affairs with someone married be it an artists or not it just seems karma comes around and spiritual lessons are known. The question and the contemplating is the artist's life with variety of women for all to know about. Maybe it's not. What you are doing in this blog discussing artist's love affairs is kind of like walking a thin line. I read your comments and feel you are being non-judgmental and that's wonderful. If the artists connections found this blog and would they like us to be going over their love affairs. anyway, I do find your blog getting at some truth and the behaviors of the famous. Sincerely, Anonymous.

  8. Something added just discovered Ruth mentions she was in a relationship with Bob Dylan that spanned over twenty years yet Bob Dylan was supposedly had married twice within those years to someone else other than Ruth. It very complex and strange since Ruth was the common law partner to Bob Dylan and no longer she was thought herself as a mistress or a muse. Sally Kirkland was seeing Bob Dylan after 1974 and also in an interview said this relationship spanned for a decade or more. She was seeing Bob Dylan while he was married to someone else and Bob was supposedly living common-law with Ruth. very very complicated and thinking the music and songs remain significant and Bob Dylan's personal private life isn't something to figure out and leave this to his biographers like Clinton Heylin.


Please read my Comments policy in PAGES before you post! I read every Comment before choosing to publish! THANK YOU! Missy