Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Luscious! Doesn't that word make you think of food? I was just reading this book by Mimi Spencer, an award winning UK based fashion and beauty journalist. And it was so very wise and funny! It wasn't just about food sensibility. I was about having a sense about yourself. About what works and just doesn't.

Here is one of so very many passages I'd love to excerpt!

Including the pages entitled THE DOS and DON'TS of SHOES.

The book is C 2009 and published by Rodale.

On page 117 it says: "Favor mushrooms over meat: A study at John Hopkins Weight Management Center has come to the remarkable conclusion that eating meals made of mushrooms - lasagna, chili, whatever - rather than lean ground beef results in fewer calories being consumed at each meal. Meals made with meat averaged 420 additional calories and 30 additional grams of fat per day. Another study found that if men substitute a 4 ounce portobello mushroom for a 4 ounce grilled hamburger everything they ate a burger over the course of a year, and they didn't change anything else they could have saved more than 18,000 calories and nearly 3,000 grams of fat - the equivalent of 5.3 pounds, or 30 sticks of butter. That is a heck of a lot of fat but, one has to notice, quite a lot of mushrooms too. Perhaps take a modest approach, and make an occasional swap."

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