Thursday, June 14, 2012


Seduce and Sin With Your Spouse
Adams Media Company Publisher

This book was really interesting to me because it's a famous Rabbi, Shmuley Boteach, telling married women to create terms and conditions in their marriage that would mistress proof it. How? By acting like mistresses themselves! Missy

Page 30

"Lillian Ross, the famous journalist, created a scandal a few years ago by writing of her forty year affair with William Shawn of The New Yorker, after he died. She maintained that "After forty years, our lovemaking had the same passion, the same it had in the beginning."

"Sounds impossible right? But read almost any revealing chronicle of an adulterous affair and the two participants claim the same thing. For the duration of their affair, they had really great sex. Their erotic desire for each other did not lessen with the passage of time. If they broke up it was for other reasons: The mistress became too possessive and demanded that her lover leave his wife; one of the two lovers was found out by his or her spouse who gave an ultimatum, the affair simply became too complicated; and so on. But lovers in an illicit affair almost never break up because the relationship simply becomes dull or boring..."

Quoting Rabbi Harold Kushner, Rabbi Boteach writes,"Once the mistress is readily available, without the thrill of a clandestine affair, she becomes less desirable. I told (the woman) to do nothing, not to throw him out, not to call him names or tell people what he had done. Don't put him in the position of choosing between a wife who curses him and a girlfriend who caresses him..."

"About 90 percent of men who leave their wives and move in with their mistresses end up leaving their mistresses within the first year of living together. Clearly, something about the passion and mystery is lost when the vagaries of everyday life set in."

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