Monday, April 9, 2012


Excerpt : Page Xii

"Most people have come to know the time that John Lennon and I spent together as "The Lost Weekend." I am always surprised at how many people are under the impression that our time together lasted only a single weekend. John and I were together "officially" for eighteen months but our relationship actually spanned ten years - from December 1970 through December 1980....

But the biggest surprise came in the summer of 1973, as I was coordinating press for Yoko's new album... Early one morning, Yoko came to my office in their apartment at the Dakota and told me that she and John were "not getting alone." It was obvious to all of us who worked there that things were a bit tense between them, so this wasn't exactly a bombshell. Yoko went on to say that John would start seeing someone new, and she wanted it to be "someone who would treat John well."...

"I think you should go out with him." ... "If John asks you out, you should go!" Yoko announced, making it sound a little stronger than a suggestion.

C 2008 May Pang. Saint Martin's Press

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